Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/878

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Logic and Law in prose. 836 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. specimen of prose from one such work on the Barendra Brahmins of Bengal.

  • « Adi Sur was a powerful King. He brought

to his capital five Brahmins of five different Gotras : —Narayana of Candilya Gotra, Dharadhara of Batsya Gotra, Susen of Kagyapa Gotra, Gautama of Bharadvaja Gotra, and Paragara of Savarna Gotra. | ‘The whole of bengal was made pure by the holy influence of these Brahmins, and after the country had been thus improved, Adi Sur, the King died.”

One thing strikes us here. Prose was° more often adopted by the Sahajiya Vaisnhavas than by other sects for the exposition of their doctrines. Nos. 32, 34, and 35 show elaborate specimens of prose. The Sahajiyas who were, as we think, ori- ginally a Buddhist sect, imbibed this taste for writing in prose from a very early age, when the Buddhists used to elucidate their views in prose in the Prakrita language. We have come upon translations of Bhasa Parichchada

a work on Logic, and of Vyavastha Tattva, a book on Hindu Law, copied in 1773, which show that prose was adopted at least two centuries ago, for dealing with highly metaphysical «aya রাজ বড় প্রতাপযুক্ত রাজা । আদিশুর রাজা পঞ্চগোত্রের পঞ্চ ত্রাণ আন্য়ন করিলেন :--বথা নারায়ণস্ত শাগডল্যঃ সুষেণঃ কশ্যপন্তথা, বাংস্োো। ধরাধবে। দেবঃ ভরদ্বাজন্ক গোতমঃ সাবর্ণস্ত পরাশরঃ- এহ পঞ্চগোত্রে পঞ্চ ব্রাহ্মণ আনয়ন করা! ৌঁড়মুণ্ডল পাবত্র করা আদিশর রাজার ম্ব্গারোহপণ |"?