Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/911

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VII. ] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 867 ary, an admirable work of scholarship, was com- piled for the Fort William College in 1805 at the suggestion of Dr. Carey. He employed Rama Rama Vasu and Rajiva Lochana to write Pratapaditya _ Charita and Krisna Chandra Charita respectively, _ the former of which appeared in 1801, and the latter in 1805. Thus lived Dr. Carey in Bengal from 1793 when he first landed here till his death in 1834,— ee colleagues. one of those rare spirits who, crossing the barriers of their national prejudices, by dint of that all-

embracing brotherhood which every true Christian should feel for all men, worked without a thought of reward or personal aggrandisement. He and his colleague Mr. J. Marshman had nothing to bequeath to their children at death, but enough as heritage to the suffering race whose cause they espoused, not under obligation or extraneous mandate, but according to the dictates of their own consciences through which their God spoke to them. Amongst his other colleagues the name of Yates, W. Marton (of whom the Rev. J. Long says ‘He is one of the ablest Bengali scholars ever produced in the country’), and the Rev. J. Pearson deserve a special mention as having greatly furthered the cause of our prose literature. (c) Bengali works written by Europeans. The works written in the vernacular language about this time by European writers cover a vast field. Wecannot name all of them. We confine ourselves to the following list of works, and our list even here is not exhaustive as we have not