Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/948

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994 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. a Brahmin of great intelligence and considerable learning, though no Pundit, remarkable for his tact and energy which gave him great ascendency among his fellow countrymen. The journal was intended to check the liberal tendencies of the age, and it soon became the organ of the orthodox Hindus. During the life of its able and astute editor, it was considered the great bulwork of the current superstitions. Its success was owing not only to the popularity of the opinions which it advocated, but also to the charm of pure and siwple style.” * 29. Satya [tihasa, pages 239, 1830. Sketches of Semiramies, Sesostris, Homer, Lycurgus, So- crates, Demosthenes and Alexander. 30. Jivana Charita by I¢vara Chandra CGarma, 1849. Lives of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Hers- chell, Grotius, Linceus, Duval, Thomas Jenkins, S. W. Jones.

31. Ajnana Timira Nagaka, 1838. By Vaidya Moral tales Nath Acharyya of Kanchanpara. and other subjects. 32. Pragasti Prakagika, 1842. By Krisna Lal Deb, compiled from original Sanskrit of Vararuchi of the Court of Vikramaditya ; gives rules according to the Castras for writing letters—the colour and size of the paper, the titles of letters and mode of address. Some curious things are to be found in this work, such as,—a person is to write to a young girl in red paper with red ink, to a great man in gold-coloured letters, toa man of middle rank in silver, to a

  • Vol. II, p. 241.