Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/951

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VII.] BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. 907 53. Sandecavali—(Indian Gazetteer), pages 346, by Rama Narsinha Ghosa. 54. Map of the world—the first specimen of a map engraved in Bengali,—executed by a Bengalee Kaci Natha under the superintendence of C. Mon- tague, 1821. 55- Geometry by K. M. Banerjee, 1846. Geometry. 56. Bhuvana Parimana Vidya (Land curvey- ing) by Vraja Mohana, 1846. 57- Chittotkarsa Vidhana—a philosophical work yi gcetta- by the Rev. K. M. Banerji, pages 600 in two _ neous. volumes, 1849-50. 58. Phrenology by Radha Vallaba Das, 1850. 59. Bramly Vaktrita or Dr. Bramly’s speeches by Udaya Charana Adhya, 1836. 60. Atma Raksa by Raja Krishna Mukherjee. Compiled from Nidana, 1849. 61. Dravya Guna by I¢vara Chandra Bhatta- charyya, 1835. 62. Ausadha Kalapavali: by Madhu Sudana Gupta, 1849, pages 244. 63. Jala Chikitsaé (water cure) by Prema Chand Chaudhuri, 1850. The writer professes having experienced wonderful benefits from Hydropathy ; he points out its advantages to others in the various uses of water applied internally and externally to different parts of the body for costiveness, fever,