Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/956

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912 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [ Chap. 43. Rasa Sagara by Rama Gopala Banerjee of Kidderpore, 1848. 44. The Arunodaya by Panchanana Banerjee, 1848. 45. Rasa Mudgara—advocated Hinduism, by Ksetra Mohona Banerjee 1849. 46. The Mahajana Darpana by Jaya Kali Basu, 1840, | 47. The Satya Dharma Prakacika—an organ | of the Karta-bhajas. | 48. Varanaci Chandrodaya. 49. The Bhairavananda, 1849,—both edited by Uma Cankar Bhattacharyya, a blind scholar who helped Raja Jaya Narayana in his translation of Kaci Khanda. 50. Vardhamana Chandrodaya by Rama Tarana Bhattacharyya, 1850. 51. Vardhamana Samvada, 1850. 111, General remarks chiefly indicating the characteristics of the new age and its contrast with the earlier one. These are some of the products of the literary labours of our countrymen in the vernacular tongue under the intellectual stimulus of the first contact The growth ; + রি ২ of the with Europe. They continued the work with an modern = ardour which has grown without intermission, and literature, ' our present day literature is the richest among the vernaculars of India in quality and in its many-sided activity. The lists I furnish embrace the literature of a period ending 1850, but it is only at and after