Page:History of Bengali Language and Literature.djvu/970

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The recep- tion to the dancing girls. 926 BENGALI LANGUAGE & LITERATURE. [Chap. ‘Be pleased now to take a bath.’’ The other ad- mirers of these fair creatures appeared on the scene and at the request of the Babu rubbed perfumes on their delicate persons, and with Kanchagolla (a rich pudding) cleaned their long black hair; the servants with a feeling of great reverence took them to tanks, and in a sportive spirit poured water upon their heads, and then come the admirers who _bath- ed them with rose-water. At this stage the tailor came and produced a bundle of fine clothes. There were in the bundle beautiful Sadies made by the far- famed weavers of Cantipur, Amvika, Vadagachhi, Dacca, Chandrakona, Khasvagan and other places. Some of these fine stuffs had beautiful borders in imitation of Kashmir shawls, others with borders in which the figures of crabs were neatly woven with the threads, and others where the amulet was imita- ted. These elegant borders were of different colours, purple, blue and crimson. The Baranagar striped Sadies looked particularly gay. These clothes were distributed by the tailor among the worthy votaries of the terpsichorean art. Then in the pleasure garden the Babu and his friends seated them- selves on costly seats with the accomplished আনিয়া উপস্থিত করিলেন। শান্তিপুর অন্বিক!, বাদাগাছি টাকা, চন্দ্রকোণ।, খানবাগান, বরাহনগর প্রভৃতি নানা স্থানের শ'টী, শালস্ড়ে, কাকড়াপেড়ে, লালপেড়ে, নীলপেড়ে, তাবিজ- পেড়ে, বরানগরের, দূরে ব্যক্তিবিশেষে ২ প্রদান করিলেন। ততপরে আনন্দকাননে অপুব্ব।সনে AKG BET বদনে বেশ্ঠঠসমবিধানে Sify হইলেন, সেই আপনে ভূত্যগণেরা নানাবিধ সুখাদ্য মিষ্টান মদ্য মাংস আনিয়। প্রস্তত করিলেক ; ইতিমধো এক নিব্বেধ পুর্বদেশীয় বাঙ্গান ব্রাহ্মণ কহিলেক, যে ভোজন কালে পৃথক পৃথক স্বানে করিতে হইবে । এমন সময়ে খলিফার কুলপুরোহিও