Page:History of Bengali Literature in the Nineteenth Century.djvu/284

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260 BENGALI LITERATURE becoming pastor of the English Chureh at Cireular Road in 1829-30. In 1824 he became Secretary of the School Book Society and got large opportunities for carrying out his educational projects. His educational works received considerable encouragement from Government which not only subsidised him but offered him a stipend of £1,000 on condition of his devoting himself to such work—an offer which he declined.‘ He died at sea on July 8, 1845. His works in Bengali are numerous but they were all published between 1817 and 1827 and consist chiefly of— 1. The New Testament translated, 1833. Ed. in 1839. 2. The Holy Bible in Bengali. 1845. pp. 1-1144 (subse- quently revised by J. Wenger and C. B. Lewis in 1861 and 1867). See Appendix II at the end of this volume. 3. ferotacet <expurgated edition). 1841. 4. ate fai or Natural Philosophy and History. 1824. 5. amitfaa-att) অর্থাৎ বালকেরদিগের পদার্থ শিক্ষার্থে কথোপকথন ০৮151607605 of Natural Philosophy and Natural History in a series of familiar dialogues designed for the instruction of Indian youth. Caleutta 1825. 2nd Ed. 1834. Published by the School Book Society.? 2 For more details abont his life and work see James Hoby, Memoir of William Yates (1847); Dictionary of National Biography; Bengal Obituary, pp. 222-225; Dictionary of British and Foreign Authors, vol, iii; Cal. Chr. Observ. 1845; Eclectic Review, vol. iv; Cal. Rev., vol. x, p. 162 et seq ; Catalogue of British and Foreign Bible Society, 1857, p. 332, ete.; W. H. Carey, Oriental Christian Biography, vol. I, pp. 29, 48 ; India Review, vol, vii, 18438, pp. 740-748, in which will be found an excellent likeness of Dr, Yates by Grant.

  • This work, althongh on a scientific subject, avoids scientific

technicalities as much as possible and constitutes an eminently readable popular exposition of the broad topics of Natural Philosophy and History and is indeed the first of its kind.