Page:History of Bengali Literature in the Nineteenth Century.djvu/530

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506 BENGALI LITERATURE Quarterly Friend of India, The. 1815-20. Rabindranath Thakur. Lok-Sahitya (in Gadya-grantha- bali. vol. iii). Rainey. Historical and Topographical Sketch of Caleutta. 1876. Ranking, Lt. Col. Catalogue of Books in the Oriental Languages in the Library of Board of Examiners, late Fort William College. 1903. Rasabhandar ed. Upendranath Mukhopadhyay, Caleutta. B. S. 1306, Ray, Nikhilnath. Edition of Pratapaditya Charitra by Ramram Basu. Calcutta. B. 8. 1313. Ray, Raja Ram Mohan. Works. ed. by Rajnarayan Basu and Anandachandra Bedantabagis. Calcutta. Saka 1795. English Works. ed. by Jogendra Ch. Ghosh. 2 vols. Caleutta. 1887. Ed. Cal. 1901. 3 vols. English and Bengati Works. (Panini Office Reprint.) 1907 and 1312 B.S. Reports. British and Foreign Bible Society. London. 1816 ete. (q.v). Caleutta Auxiliary Bible Society. | Serampore. Calcutta 1812-80. (q. v.). Caleutta School Book Society. 1818-1858. (q. v.). Select Committee of the House of Commons. Rippon, Rev. Dr. John. The Baptist Annual Register. London. 1794-1801. Robinson, F. P. The Trade of E. I. Company. Cambridge. 1912. Roebuck, Capt. Thomas. Annals of the Fort William College, from its foundation compiled from original records. Calcutta, 1819. Ross, Charles. The Cornwallis Correspondence. 3 vols. 1858.