Page:History of Bengali Literature in the Nineteenth Century.djvu/531

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BIBLIOGRAPHY 507 Roy, A. K. A Short History of Caleutta. (ineluded in Census Reports, vol. viii. pt. i. 1901.). Royal Asiatic Society Journals. -Sathbad Prabhakar, The. 1261-62 B.S. Sahitya, The. Vol. vi, Caleutta. 13802. Sangit-sar-sarhngraha. in 3 vols. Bantgabast Press. ed, Harimohan Mukhopadhyay and Charuchandra Ray. Caleutta. 1306-5. Sanyal, Rim Gopal. Reminiscences and Anecdotes. 2 pts. Caleutta. 1894-5. Bengal Celebrities. Vol. 1. Caleutta. 1889. Sarkar, Aksay Kumar. Prachin Kabisarhngraha. Vol. ii. Calcutta. B. S. 1292. Sarkar, Gangacharan, Bangabhasa O Sabitya. Serafton, Luke. Observations on Mr. Vansittart’s Narra- tive. London. ( no date ). Reflection on the Government of Indostan. 1770. Seid Gholam Hossein Khan. Seir Mutaqgherin. ( Cambray and Co. Reprint ). 5 vols. Caleutta. Select Committee of the House of Commons, Reports. Sen, Dinesh Chandra. Bangabhasi O Sahitya. 2nd Ed. Caleutta. 1901. History of Bengali Language & Literature. Caleutta, 1911. Bangasahitya Parichaya or Selections from Bengali Literature. 2 vols. Caleutta, 1914. Seton-Karr, W. Selections from the Caleutta Gazette. 1864-9. 5 vols. Art. on Bengali Literature in Cal. Revs. 1849. Cornwallis. ( Rules of India Series ). Oxford. 1890. Sastri, Haraprasad. Lecture on Bengali Literature in the present century (in Bangadarsana vol. vii-viii. old series ). Vernacular Literature of Bengal. Caleutta. 1902.