Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1015

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HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY >;; helped his father develop the land and erect buildings. He and his brother John now own 620 acres, 500 of which is plow- able, and the two carry on general farming and raise cattle, hogs and horses. The buildings are in excellent condition, and the place presents a pleasing aspect. Mr. Bryan served during the Civil War as a sailor on board the battleship Michigan for three years, enlisting as cabin boy and being discharged as second-class fireman. Aside from his services as town clerk, above mentioned, he has served many years as school treasurer. He belongs to the Odd Fellows and the United AYorkmen at Red "Wing. ^Ir. Bryan was married in early life to Lissette E. Heil- man, by whom he has two children. Thomas B. is a musical instructor in New York City, while Daisy L. is the wife of Elmer B. Palmer, of St. Paul. Mr. Bryan deals extensively in live stock and is noted far and wide for his sagacity as a trader. Bennett I. Melin, of Burnside township, has seen life in three countries — Sweden, where he was born; Mexico, where he has worked, and America, which has been his home practically since early youth, and of which he is a prosperous and well-to-do citizen. He was brought to this country by his parents in 1856, at the age of three years. While looking about for a location they stayed thirty days in St. Paul, and then settled in Carver county, this state, remaining there three years. After a short time in Afton, Washington county, Minnesota, they again re- turned to Carver county, and there remained until 1863, sharing in the pioneer development of that section of the country. Their first home in Goodhue county was on a farm in Featherstone township, where they remained from 1863 to 1865, going in the latter year to Burnside township, where the family residence was established. The father died in 1884. Bennett I. was twelve years of age when his family came to Burnside. His education was obtained in the district schools and at Minneapolis, since which time, with the exception of a short period spent in the sugar industry in Mexico, he has made his residence on the old homestead. Mr. Melin is a Republican as far as broad and general principles are concerned, but to a large extent he votes independently. He has been town treasurer and a member of the school board. In 1879 Mr. Melin was married to Julia An- derson, daughter of John Anderson, who settled in this county in 1860. S. A. Thompson, who carries on general farming on a place of 135 acres in Burnside 1 township, was born in Erie county, Pennsylvania, December 25, 1846. a son of William and Nancy (Kennedy) Thompson, of whom a sketch will be found in this history in connection with the biography of Thomas J. Thomp- son, of Red Wing. S. A. was brought to this county by his