Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1016

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878 HISTOBY OF GOODHUE COUNTY parents in the early fifties, and grew to young manhood on the home farm in Burnside township, helping his father and brother with the breaking, developing, cultivating, etc. He then moved to Chippewa comity, this state, where he remained in all thirty years. For a larger part of the time he was a farmer, but kept a store in Maynard, in that county, six years. During his long stay in Chippewa county he served in a number of public offices, including that of assessor, and to him also belongs the honor of having done the first township work on the roads of Stoneham, in that county. A few years ago he came back to the old home- stead in Burnside township, where he now resides and carries on general farming. He is a Republican in politics, and was formerly a member of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Thompson is well liked throughout the township. N. G. Sandberg, of Burnside township, a public spirited cit- izen and an earnest advocate of good roads, was born in Sweden August 5, 1850, son of Karl and Christina M. Sandberg, who lived and died on a farm in the old country. X. O. was educated in the public schools of his native land, and in 3S71 came to America, Locating for a time in Red Wing. He then came to Burnside township, where he has since remained, engaged in farming. His place is in a pleasant location about live miles out of Red Wing, and the house and buildings are modern and well kept. Mr. Sandberg keeps ;i dozen head of good cows, makes a spe- cialty of dairy farming and sells butter in the city. A Repub- lican in politics, he has served as a member of the town board of supervisors five years and as school treasurer for several terms. He was married in 1880 to Clara E. Bunch, by whom he has one child. Karl Q., a pupil in the Red Wing high school. Edna H. Anderson, a niece of Mrs. Sandberg, has been a member of their family since 1898. She is also a student in the Red Wing high school. Q. Bunch, father of Mrs. Sandberg, was born in North Carolina October 4, 1826, and lived successively in Ohio and Michigan. He came to Red Wing in 1856 and later located in Burnside. Mr. Bunch was a veteran of the Civil War, having served in Company D, 1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry. By his first wife, Helen S. Rudd, whom he married April 3, 1856, he had two children, Clara E., born December 10, 1857, and Helen S., born April 10, 1869. By his second wife, Mary A. Buck- master, whom he married November 10, 1870, he had three chil- dren : Ellen I., born February 14, 1872; Frank, born August 19. 1874. and Alice M., born December 23, 1878. John Nelson, of Burnside, a veteran of the Civil War and of the Indian campaign, was born in Norway November 12, 1844. a son of Nels and Ingebor Nelson, who came to the United States in 1848, and located in Dane county. Wisconsin. In 1855 a part