Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1041

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HISTOEY OF GOODHUE COUNTY to Eannah Akre, daughter of Hans ('. and Anna Akrc, natives of Norway. Mr. and Airs. Akrc came to America and located at Madison, AVis., where Mr. Akre worked at cabinet making until 1866. They then came to Holden township and followed farming until 1895, when they removed to Kenyon to live a retired life. Mrs. Akre died in 1901. Mr. and Mrs. Fordahl have ten chil- dren : Joseph H., Rosa A., Anna J., Kenneth E., Ellen V., Albert H., Clarence R.. Elmira M.. Joel B. and Nora M. Politically Mr. Fordahl affiliates with the Prohibitionists and fraternally with the Modern Samaritans. He is a man of recognized ability, as is shown by the fact that he was state boiler inspector for two years under Governor Van Sant. For six years Mr. Fordahl was school director in District 63, and for three years township supervisor. For a similar period he was president of the Farmers' Telephone Company. He is a stockholder in the Telephone Com- pany and the Farmers' Elevator Company. By his fair business dealings and genial temperament. Mr. Fordahl has Avon for him- self a large circle of friends and acquaintances who respect and admire him. Nels Gunderson. of AVanamingo township, was born in Nor- way in 1844, and there received his education, after which he learned the blacksmith's trade. He then came to America and located in Wanamingo township, wdiere he worked at his trade until 1879, when he purchased 120 acres of land in Section 9, which he improved, building a fine house and outbuildings, and where he has since followed general and diversified farming. Mr. Gunderson is married, his wife also being of Norwegian birth, and they have four children: Dina, now at Beltrami county; Tilda, now at Los Angeles, Cal. ; Andrew, now at Lawson, Canada, and Joseph, who lives at home, looking after the farm and car- ing for his parents. Mr. Gunderson is a Republican in his politics, but has never sought public office, being too busy with his own duties. He is a hard worker, and has through his own efforts acquired the prosperity which he now enjoys. The family attend the Lutheran church. Halvor P. Groven was born in Wanamingo township, where he still resides, September 2, 1856, son of Saave and Anna Groven, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1852, settling in Dane county, "Wisconsin, where they remained four years. In 1856 they came to AVanamingo township, where they pre-empted several acres of wild land, which the father broke and improved, built a home and carried on general farming until August 13, 1862, when he was killed by lightning. The mother died in June, 1895. Halvor P. received his education in the public schools of AVanamingo. In 1884 he purchased 130 acres of the homestead, making a great many improvements. In 1890 he built a new