Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/1042

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900 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY home, and in 1908 he erected a barn fifty-four by fifty feet. He now follows general farming and dairying with considerable suc- eess. Mr. Groven was married July 1, 1885, at Holden church, to Sophia Jargo, daughter of Knute and Asborg (Aker) Jargo, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1845, locating at Dane county, Wisconsin, where they engaged in farming, and where the father still lives. The mother died in February, 1908. Mr. and Mrs. Groven have been blessed with nine children: Selma A., who is a trained deaconness; Clara C, who is attend- ing St. Olof's College; Laura C. a high school student; Andreas F.. Helga S., Gerhard M., Christine C. Harold P., and Kenneth M. The last named died when one year old. Mr. Grovcr is an independent voter, is now serving as supervisor, and is also director of the school board in District 18. The family attend the Lutheran church of Holden. of which Mr. Groven is treasurer. Lars J. Gjemse, farmer and business man. was born December s . 1866. on his grandfather's farm in AVanamingo township, re- ceived his early education in the schools of the neighborhood, afterwards took a course of three months at St. Olof's College at Northfield, and later four months at Carleton College. Leav- ing college, he secured a position as teacher in Goodhue county, teaching subsequently m seven different districts, being well liked and much respected. In 1897 he engaged in farming on forty acres of land, which lie inherited from his grandparents. He purchased twenty acres more in 1908 and rented 200 acres, all of which he has under cultivation. In 1906, he built a house. A year later his barn was destroyed by lightning. He then rebuilt a new barn fifty by thirty-two. He now follows general and mixed farming on a large scale. Mr. Gjemse was married April 18. 1899. to Anna Hilan a Norwegian, born in Norway, October 17. 1869. and this union has been blessed with five children: Harald. Clara. Minda. Joseph and Louis. Mr. Gjemse is a Repub- lican in politics, and has served as assessor for five years. He belongs to the United Brotherhood of America, also to the Mod- ern Samaritans. He has served as president of the Goodhue County Farmers' Telephone Company of AVanamingo for two years, and one year as secretary. He helped to organize the Farmers' Elevator Company, holding the position of president since its organization. He is a good citizen and highly respected in the community in which he lives. He and his family attend the Lutheran church. Sever K. Haugen was born in AVanamingo township, where he still resides, June 7, 1871, son of K. S. Haugen. He received his education in the schools of the neighborhood and worked on the farm with his father until 1899, when he began farming for himself on a farm of 240 acres in Sections 30-31-32 of AVana-