Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/648

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566 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY self. The new aldermen were M. S. Chandler, C. E. Priedrich, J. C. Seeback, G. A. Carlson and C. A. Beteher. N. K. Simmons was elected treasurer and Ch. Graham and G. H. Diepenbrock justices. This year marks the recording of the first city election of a board of education. The board consisted of E. H. Blodgett, H. S. Rich, D. C. Hill, F. J. Linne, A. •!. Meacham, Peter Kempe and A. II. Boxrud. G. A. Carlson, at the organization of the council, was made president and William Hendel vice president. S. J. Willard was appointed clerk. F. M. Wilson city attorney. Louis P. Wolff city engineer; P. J. Lundquist was the chief of police and the force consisted of Charles B. Battan and Andrew Gunderson. J. H. Webster was chief of the fire department and C. W. Melander his assistant. I). M. Baldwin was named as con- stable in place of P. J. Lundquist, resigned. January 5, 1891, resolutions were passed on the death of C. Graham, and A. L. (Turn was appointed in his place. The application for a franchise. by the Red Wing Street Railroad Company and the Red Wing Telephone Company were both considered this year. In March, 1892, the question of ;i public library was brought before the board. 1892-93 — The aldermen elected this year were: H. L. McKins- try, E. II. Druse. J. P. Patterson and X. Akenson. John Sea- strand and C. W. Lee were elected constables. Bonds for the school district to the amount of $12,000 were carried by a vote of ~AJ to 12l>. At the organization of the council M. S. Chandler was made president and ( '. E. Friedrich vice president. Tin police force consisted of P. J. Lundquist (chief), Charles B. Bat- tan, Andrew Gunderson and Frank A. Carlson. A franchise was granted a new telephone company, those interested being J. L. Hastings, A. P. Pierce. X. K. Simmons, T. B. Sheldon and G. R. Sterling. The library question came up for- consideration this year. November 11. 1892. the city voted on the question of issuing bonds to the amount of $15,000 for city improvements. The proposition was defeated by a vote of 61:3 to 449. 1893-94 — This was the year of starting the building of the bridge across the Mississippi. A. P. Pierce was elected mayor. N. K. Simmons treasurer, S. D. Tandy and G. H. Diepenbrock .justices, and E. II. Druse. AVilliam Mendel, D. H. Tandy. Ed. Johnson ('to fill vacancy). Charles A. Erickson and B. F. Seix. At the organization of the council E. H. Druse was elected presi- dent. Charles A. Erickson vice president and J. H. Diepenbrock clerk. J. C. McClure was appointed city attorney, Peter M. Luft street commissioner and Louis P. Wolff city engineer. The police force consisted of Charles B. Battan (chief), Andrew Gunder- son, Frank A. Carlson, John Jansen and 0. P. Belin. John H.