Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/649

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IMSToky OF GOODHUE COUNTY .Mm Webster was chief of the fire department and C. V. Melander the assistant. Three lots were set aside at the cemetery for the burial of the sons and daughters of civil war veterans. October 20, 1898, the bridge question came up for discussion; bonds for the purpose were voted February !>. 1894, by a ballot of 1,352 to 286. . Bids Mere received April 26. 1894. 1894-95 — The four new aldermen this year received a unani- mous election. They were: II. L. McKinstry, Ed. Johnson, J. P. Patterson and E. H. Hoard. The constables elected .were P. J. Lundqnist and John Seastrand. At tin' organization of the coun- cil, after a number of ballots at the first meeting of the city council. I). II. Tandy was mimed as president. B. F. Seiz vice president, P. M. Luft street commissioner and L. P. Wolff city engineer. ('. A. Erickson was made chairman of the bridge committee. The contract for the sub-structure of the new bridge was let to D. D. Smith May 4. 1894. The mayor appointed Charles B. Battan as chief of police and Andrew Ounderson, G. II. Ben ton. John Jansen and Andrew Krai as members of the force. May 11. 1894. a franchise was granted the Northwestern Tele- phone Company. The council moved its headquarters from the corner of Third and Bush streets to the Lyons building, corner Third and Plum, so called. .May 29. 1894. The ordinance in re- gard to the building of the high bridge across the Mississippi and the issuing of bonds for that purpose was passed. During this term the building of the bridge, the buying of land and the let- ting of contracts occupied much of the time of the conned. August 10. 1894. the contract for building the superstructure was given to the Toledo Bridge Company. An appropriation of $500 was made for the sufferers from the Hinckley fire. George Hawkins and John F. Kayser were appointed toll gatherers for the new bridge. 1895-96 — A. P. Pierce was elected mayor. N. K. Simmons treas- urer, D. S. Tandy and G. H. Diepenbrock justices of the peace. The aldermen elected were Fred Seebach. A. G. Skoglund. C. A. Erickson, B. F. Seiz and A. Remmler. George Solberg was named as toll keeper in place of George Hawkins, resigned. Benjamin Way, Pi. J. Reed and Allen Adams and their families were granted perpetual free passage across the bridge. At the organization of the council C. A. Erickson was elected president and PI. L. McKinstry vice president. P. M. Luft was named street com- missioner and L. P. Wolff .city engineer. John II. Webster was appointed chief of the fire department and Charles J. Weich as- sistant. The new bridge was accepted May 10. 1895. May 29 records the appointment of a deputy city clerk, Mrs. W. E. Tay- lor, at a salary of $100. Frank Cowell and family were granted