Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/972

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834 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY abeth (Spreiter) Andrist, natives of Switzerland, who came to America and located in Wisconsin, removing later to Minnesota where the father died. The mother is still living at "West Con- cord, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Comstock had two children : Belle M., born January 9, 1889, and Walter J., born June 1, 1899. The mother of these children died June 1, 1899; and December 31, 1901, Mr. Comstock was married to Anna M. Rapp, daughter of Martin and Mary i Moser) Rapp, natives of New York and AVisconsin. Her father came to Wisconsin in 1862, purchased land, carried on general farming and was also a merchant for a number of years. He died in December 1904. The mother is still living. By this marriage. Mr. Comstock has one child, Lucille Agnes, born May 28, 1903. Mr. Comstock is an in- dependent voter, and lias served as town clerk. Fraternally he affiliates with the Elks and the United Workmen. The family attend the Catholic and Methodisl Episcopal churches. George E. Callister, Cherry Grove township was born in the Isle of .Mann. January 24. 1864, son of Thomas and Jane (Moore) Callister, natives of the [sle of .Mann, who emigrated to America in 1869 Locating a1 Northfield, Minn., where the father farmed for two years, after which they removed to Cherry Grove town- ship, where they purchased 160 acres of land which the father broke and improved, erecting a home, barn and other outbuild- ings necessary to carry on successful farming, remaining until his death in December 1895. Tie- mother died in the fall of 1900. George received his education in the public schools of the town- ship, and worked on the farm until in 1895. He then pur- chased a farm of 80 acres, in 1909 ad. led 80 i 'e, and has since followed general farming and stoek raising, making many improvements on his farm. April 1. L900 Mr. Callister was mar- ried to Nona M. Conner, daughter of Frank T. and Caroline Scott) Conner, the lather a native of New Hampshire and the mother of Koscoe township, this county. The father came west in 1863 and located at Roseoe, where he purchased 240 acres of land and carried on general farming. He died on February 29. 190,s. the mother having passed away on July 11, 1893. The farm, at the death of the father came into pos- session of his son Benton and daughter Nona. Mr. and Mrs. Callister have no children. Mrs. Callister has one brother, Ben- ton D. Conner, now of Minneapolis, and Mr. Callister has two brothers, William R., and John J., both living at Kenyon, Minn. Mr. Callister is a Republican in his political views, and has held several public offices. He has been town supervisor for eight years, and has served the school board of District 120 for a similar period. He is a member of the Modern Woodmen, and is