Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/973

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HISTORY OF COoMM K COUNTY director of the ereamerj a1 Skyberg. The family faith is thai of the Methodisl Episcopal church. Erick C. Heltne, was born April 7. L867, on the homestead where he is now Located in Cherry Grove township. He was the sun of Christ and Marl ha Erickson, natives of Norway. The father was a tailor and farmer, and came to America in 1857, set- tling in Wisconsin. In 1859 they came to Minnesota, and located in Cherry Grove, where they purchased 80 acres of Land where the father built a dugout, in which they lived for a time while preparing the farm for cultivation. Later, 40 acres more Was added to the farm and the father built a home, barn and other out buildings, carrying on general farming, dairying and stock raising. The father died September 9, 1879 and the mother February 23, 1905. Erick C. received his education in the public schools of Cherry Grove, and worked on the farm with his father until the death of the latter, when he and his brother undertook the management of the farm. In 1896 he purchased the home- stead and has since continued general farming, dairying and stock raising. January 22, 1896 he was married to Inger Erager, daughter of Nels and Susie Erager, natives of Norway, who came to America in 1878 settling in Cherry Grove, where they are still living. Mr. and .Mrs. Heltne, have seven children: Carl, born April 12, 1896; Selma. born May 3. 1S ( .)S ; Arthur, born Ferbuary 2, 1900; Mabel, born April 13, 1902; Joseph, born February 4, 1904, one child who died in infancy, and Emma, born February 25, 1908. Mr. Heltne is a Republican in his political views, and has held the office of treasurer of school district No. 85 for several years. He owns stock in the Farmer's Elevators of Ken- yon and Bombay. Mr. Heltne has one brother and one sister. The brother Christ C. is living on the homestead and owns 20 acres of improved land in Cherry Grove township, also 40 acres in YYanamingo township. He was born in Wisconsin, June 5, 1859, and is unmarried. The sister Inger, married Knut Kolstad, and lives at Cherry Grove. All are members of the Norwegian Lutheran church. N. B. Lunde, of Cherry Grove township, was born in Norway, June 2, 1837, son of Botlolf Lunde and Bertha Thurve, who were farmers. N. B. Lunde, received his education in Norway, also in America to which country he came in 1859, locating in Wisconsin, where he remained for two years. He then came to Minnesota in 1861 locating in Cherry Grove township, whefe he purchased 160 acres of land which he broke and improved, erect- ed home, barn and other outbuildings, and has since carried on a general line of farming, also raising horses and stock. He now owns 504 acres of land, all under cultivation. He was mar- ried in June 1874 at the age of 37 to Christine, at that time 19