Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/974

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836 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY years old, daughter of George and Martha i Mellaum) Davidson, natives of Norway, who came to America and located at Cherry- Grove where they purchased land and carried on general farm- ing. The father died in 1908 and the mother still lives on the farm. Mr. and Mrs. Lunde have nine children: Bertinius, who lives at home. David M.. a farmer of Douglass county ; Martha, married to Samuel Bugge, cashier in a hank at Bagley. Clear- water county; Bertha married to Jones Charleston, a merchant at Edmonds. North Dakota; Herman, who is in partnership with J. Charleston at Edmonds, N. 1).. Carrie. Lena. Annie and Marie, who live at home. Mr. Lunde is ;i Republican in his politics and has served as supervisor, of the school hoard and director of District 85. He is also interested in the Farmer's Elevator at Kenyon and Bombay. The family worship at the Norwegian United church. John H. Otterness, <»!' Cherry Grove township, was horn in Wat-saw township November 20, L868, son of Hans and Bertha Otterness, natives of Norway, who came t<> America in 1857 and settled in Wisconsin where they remained for seven years, after which they came to Minnesota locating in Warsaw town- ship where they purchased 95 acres of improved hind and en- gaged in general farming. The mother died April 20, 1907 and the father still lives on the homestead. John II. received his education in the common school working with his father on the farm until the spring of L903 when he went to hake Benton. Minn., and engaged in the mercantile business with Jonas Charl- son for one year. On May 15, 1904 he started in business at Bom- bay where he has since continued. .Mr. Otterness was married September 2-1, 1908 to Turi Homme, daughter of T. G. and [nger Homme, both natives of Norway, who came to America and pur- chased a farm of 160 acres in Wanamingo township where they still live. He has served as constable and school clerk and is in- terested in the Farmer's Elevator. Mr. Otterness has one broth- er. .Icus L. living on a farm at Warsaw. John J. Quam, of Cherry Grove township, was born in Nor- way. January 14, 1855. son of John and Christina (Olness) Quam, natives of Norway where they owned land and lived up to the time of their death. The father died in 1882 and the mother in 1888. John J. received his education in the common schools of Norway and in America, attending high school one winter in Zumbrota. He came to America in June 1873, locating at Stoughton, Wis., where he worked on a farm for one year, then went to Iowa, where he worked on a farm for thirteen months, after which he came to Minnesota and worked on a farm until married. He was married April 1878 to Cecelia Fardahl. daugh- ter of Jens A. and Christina (Vikum) Fardahl. both natives of