Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/980

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842 JI J STORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY Chas. Charlson living in Warsaw township ; Ida married Martin Flom of Holden ; and Melvina lives at home. The brother Oliver is a farmer in California. Mr. Dalbotten is a Republican in his polities and is a member of Yang's Norwegian Lutheran church. Hiram Alberts, Jr.. proprietor of the Pleasant Valley Spring Stock farm. Roscoe township, comes of an early Goodhue county family, and. although it has not been his choice to engage active- ly in public affairs, is known as a man in whom every good en- terprise has a friend. He is a native born son, having first seen the light of day. May 9, 1878, on the old homestead, section 31. Roscoe township, where he still resides. After receiving his schooling and spending his boyhood on the farm, he went to North Dakota and farmed until 1907. He became a popular resident in that state and was on the high mad to prosperity, but upon the retiremenl of his father he came back to this township and assumed charge of the home farm. Using up-to-date methods he has developed«the farm until it is one of the best in the township, and admirably adapted to general farming which he conducts in connection with stork raising, making a specialty of Poland China hogs, of which lie markets over 100 each year. Thoroughly appreciating the advantages of good fellowship and the fraternal spirit. Mr. Alberts lias associated himself with both the United. Workmen and the odd Fellows. By Anna Bury, daughter of David and Augusta Lick, whom he married July 12, 1897. he has two children: Llyod. horn August 12. 1898, and Esther, horn April 2::. 1900. The family faith is that of the German Lutheran church. Hiram Alberts, Sr., of Roscoe township, came from Switzer- land to America in 1854 followed a short time afterward by the lady who was to become his wife, whom he married at her par- ents home in Dodge county. In 1856 they took up their homo on a quarter section in Cherry Grove township. April 16, 187.1, they sold this farm and purchased 300 acres in section 31, Roscoe township, together with 65 acres across the street in Dodge county, making 365 acres in all. Here they followed farming until 1907 when they turned the management of the place over to their son with whom they now make their home, being most estimable old people in every respect. C. H. Freeman, proprietor of Elm Grove Stock and Dairy Farm. Roscoe township, was born in Canada. January 27, 1862. son of George and Ann Shields) Freeman. He was educated in the common schools and worked with his father until 1889, when he bought 97 acres of the home farm in Roscoe township. Here he built a fine home, modern stock barn, 36x60, also other out buildings and carries on a general diversified line of farming