Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/981

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KISTOEI OF GOODHUE COUNTY 843 and stock raising. Be was married November 26, 1892 to Minnie F. Mann of Zumbrota, daughter of E. A. and Mary Everett Mann, natives of Massachusetts, who were fanners, and came west locating- in Roscoe township, where they purchased 80 aeres of land and engaged in farming. In 1884 they retired from active life, and moved to Zumbrota, later going to Red- wood county, where they reside. Mr. Mann was in the Indian massacre. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman have no children. Mr. Free- man is independent in his politics. He has served on the town board for several years, and has been road master and overseer for several years and also a member of the Farmer's Elevator Company of Zumbrota. He is a member of the Modern Wood- men, and Mutual Life and Accident Insurance Co. The family faith is that of the Methodist Episcopal church. P. P. Finstuen, of Roscoe township, was born in Norway. November 7, 1846. He received his education in the public schools of Norway, and worked on the farm. In 1868 he emi- grated to America, coming to Zumbrota. where he worked at various labor for five years. In 1873 he went to Roscoe town- ship; and bought 160 acres of land which he broke and cleared for cultivation. This farm he sold, and in 1885 purchased 163 acres in the same township where he built a dwelling, a modern barn, and other out buildings, and carried on general farming as well as horse and stock raising. March 1873 he was married to Mathea Goplin, daughter of A. and Ingebor Goplin, natives of Norway. They came to America in 1870 and located in Roscoe township, and engaged in farming on 80 acres of land, but later added to it 160 acres more. Both parents are now de- ceased. Mr. and Mrs. Finstuen have eight children : Andrew now of Kenyon; John of North Dakota; Mathilda, the wife of Edwin Swenson now living in Canada ; Albert, of Roscoe ; Oscar Mella, William and Carl, living at home. Mr. Finstuen 's par- ents, Peter and Agnes (Olson) Finstuen, were natives of Norway. The father was a farmer. He died in 1851 and the mother in 1901. Mr. Finstuen is a Republican in his political views, and has served on the board of county commissioners for the past three years, also on the school board for a number of years. The family attend the Lutheran church. Peterson Brothers, proprietors of a general store at Roscoe village, opened their present establishment in 1907 and in the short time that the business has continued it has met with the liberal patronage and has won an enviable reputation for honest methods and square dealing. The brothers are highly esteemed and both are faithful attendants of the Norwegian Lutheran church. Julius P. Peterson was born in 1877 and received ids educa-