Page:History of Goodhue County, Minnesota.djvu/982

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844 HISTORY OF GOODHUE COUNTY tiou in the schools of his neighborhood, remaining on the farm until 1907. He is married to Anna Berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Berg of Pine Island. Otto Peterson was born on September 5, 1881 and received his education in the public schools of Roscoe township, after which he worked as a carpenter and also as a thresher until 1907. He was married September 4, 1908, to Dinah Ellfson, daughter of Ellef and Tha Ellfson. natives of Norway who came to America and located in Roscoe township where they own 90 acres. The lather is now in the employ of the United States government in Panama and the mother and a brother conduct the home farm. Peter Peterson and Bertha Trealstad Peterson, his wife, par- ents of the Peterson Bros., came from Norway to America in the early days and after locating a short time in Hager, purchased 80 acres which he broke and improved, erecting house, barns and out buildings. Upon this place he conducted general farm- ing until his death, in 1891 his wife having preceded him to the grave by about two years. George Franklin Freeman, the proprietor of Poplar Grove Stock and Dairy farm, Roscoe township, was born in Canada, September 27, 1865. His parents, George Freeman and Annie Shields Freeman, natives of England, came to America in 1854, to Lower Canada. In 1857 they emigrated west to Wisconsin where they remained until in 1868, when they came to Minnesota, and purchased 80 acres of land in Roscoe township. This they broke ;iik1 cultivated, built a home, barn and other out-buildings and added to their farm, until they had 194 acres. Here they carried on a general line of farming and stcok raising until the father died on February 14. 1889. The mother died in November 1895. George F. was educated in the schools of Zumbrota. After leaving school, he took np farming on the home place where he still resides, carrying on farming and stock raising. July 3, 1883, he was married to Louisa Spriestersbach, daughter of John and Catherine Spriestersbach, natives of Germany, who came to Wisconsin in 1860 and in 1870 to Minnesota, locating at Pine Island, and engaged in farming. Both are now dead. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman have had three children : Ethel is dead ; Gladys, horn November 28. 1895, attends the Zumbrota high school, George, born November 16. 1891, has graduated from the same institution. Mr. Freeman is a Republican. He has been town treasurer one year, treasurer of the school board for the past 18 years, and road master and inspector of state highway since 1908. Fraternally he affiliates with the I. O. O. F., United Workmen, and the Rebeccas, in which organizations, he has held office. He and his family attend the Methodist Episcopal church.