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KUANANS. 545 LABDALUM. capture of Sestos by, x. 373 ; as- sassination of, X. 375. Kranaus, i. 196. Krannon, battle of, xii. 321. Amifrns and Phildtas, xii. 19S seq.; and Antipater, xii. 320 scq., 335 • death of, xii. 336. Kittles, comedy of, viii. 323. h'nitesippidds, viii. 128, 138. Kraitnus, viii. 327, 332 n. Kreon, Icing of Thebes, i. 117, 276. Kredn, archon at Athens, iii. 48. h'resphontes, ii. 2 scq., 331 n. A're(an settlements on tiie Gulf of Tarentum, i. 330 ; and Piirygian worship, iii. 215. Kretans and Minos, i. 229 ; in the time of Homer, ii. 102 ; and Xerxes, V. 06. Krete, mif^rations of Dorians to, ii. 30; early Dorians in, ii. 310; Pe- lioeki in, ii. 364 n. 3 ; PhaUekus in, xi. 433. Kielheis and Peleus, i. 114. Krelhens, descendants of, i. 113. Kreiistt, l 198, 204. Kriuiesiis, Timoleon's victory over the Carthaginians at the, xi. 174 seq. Krios, i. 5, 0. Krissa, iv. 59 scq. Jritias and Sokrates, vii. 36 seq.; return of, to Athens, viii. 233 seq. ; and Ttieramenes, viii. 237 seq., 245 seq. ; death of, viii. 290. Kriiis, iv. 325, 328. Kromiityon, capture of, ix. 335 ; re- covery of, ix. 353. Kromnus, capture of Lacedasmonians at, X. 316 seq. Kronium, Dionysius at, xi. 41. Kronos, i. 5 scq., 8. Krot6n, foundation, territory, and co- lonies of, iii. 376 seq. ; fall of, iii. 392 ; maximum power of, iii. 394 ; citizens and government of, iii. 399 ; find Pythagoras, iv. 401 seq. ; and Sybaris, iv. 413 seq.; capture of, by Dionysius, xi. 22; expedition from Syracuse to, xii. 397. Kri/pteia, ii. 378. Kteulos and Eurytos, i. 141. Ktcsias and Herodotus on Cyrus, iv, 185; on Darius, iv. 264. Ktesiphon, xi. 371, xii. 286 seq. Kunaxa, battle of, ix. 42 scq. 4G* Kuretes, ceremonies of, i. 31. Kifnxaies, iii. 231, 254. Kifdonta, vi. 203. KyknuSy 1. 294. Kijldn the Athenian, attempted u.jut pation of, iii. 81 seq. Ki/ldn of Krolon, iv. 409. Ki/llyrii at Syracuse, v. 20G. Ki/mceans and Pactyas, iv. 201. Ki/me, iii. 190 ; Alkibiades at, viii 1 53. Kipiei/eirus, iv. 350. Ki/nossema, battle of. viii. 109 seq. Ki/nurians, ii. 303 ; in Argolis, ii. 451. Ki/pselns, iii. 40: fall of tiie dynasty of, iii. 43. Kyrene, foundation of iv. 29 seq. ; situation, fertility and prosperity of, iv. 31 seq. ; and the Liliyans, iv. 35 seq., 42 seq.; second migration of Greeks to, iv. 41 ; and Egypt, iv. 42 ; reform of, by Demonax, iv. 43; Periceki at, iv. 45; third im- mi(j:i"ation to, iv. 46 ; submission of, to Kambyses, iv. 220 ; history of, from about b. c. 4.50 to 306, xii. 428 seq. ; Ophelias, viceroy of, xii 431 seq. Ki/thera, capture of, by the Athenians, vi. 365 seq. Kijtiniwn, occupation of, by Philip, 'xi. 498. Kyzikus and the Argonauts, i. 234 ; revolt of, from Athens, viii. 112; siege of, by Mindarus, viii. 120; battle of, vi'ii. 121. Libdttlum, vii. 248, 2G9. Lacedamonian envoys to Persia, b. c. 430, vi. 181; embassy to Ath- ens about the prisoners in Sphak- teria, vi. 325 seq.; reinforcement to Brasidas in Chalkidike, vi. 449 ; envoys at the congress at Corinth, e. C. 421, vii. 15 ; envoys at Athens, about Panaktum and Pylus, vii. 29 ; embassy to Athens, against the alliance of Athens with Argos, vii. 44 seq. ; army, vii. 79, 81 ?i. 2; assembly, speech ofAlkibi- ades in, vii. 237 seq. ; fleet under Agesandridas, viii. 66, 71 ; fleet