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LACEL).i:MONrANS. id LEARCHLS. victory of, near Eretria, viii, 72 seq. ; mora, destruction of a, by Ipliikrates, ix. 350 seq.; auxilia ries to tlie Phokians at Thcrmopy la;, xi. 419, 421. Cacediemoniaiis and Cyrus the Great, iv. 199; attack of, upon Polykra- tes, iv. 243; and Themistokles, v. 149, 278, 280; and Mardonius's otfer of peace to the Athenians, v. 151 seq.; invoke the aid of their allies against the Helots, v. 316; dismiss their Athenian auxiliaries against the Helots, v. 317 seq.; expedition of, into Bceotia, b. c. 4.58, v. 327 seq. ; victory of, at Ta- nagra, v. 328 ; proceedings of, on Phormio's victory over the Pelo- ponnesian fleet near Rhium, vi. 202 ; proceedings of. for the re- covery of Pylus, vi. .319, 320 seq. ; occupation of Sphakteria by, vi. 320, 347 ; blockade of, in Sphak- teria, vi. 324 seq., 333 seq., 342 seq. ; offers of peace from, after the capture of 8pliakteria, vi. 353 ; assassination of Helots by. vi. 368 seq.; and the Peace of Nikias, vii. 3; liberate the Arcadian subjects of Mantinea, and plant Helots at Lepreum, vii. 21 ; exclusion of from the Olympic festival, vii. 57 seq.; detachment of, to reinforce Epidaurus, u. c. 419, vii. 70; and their allies, invasions of Argos by, vii. 71 seq, 102; Gylippus sent to Svraeuse bv, vii. 242; fortification of Dekcleia" by, vii. 288, 354 ; and the Four Hundred, viii. 65; recap- ture of Pylus by, viii. 131 ; defeat of, at ArginusK, viii. 173 seq.; re- payment of, by the Athenians, af- ter the restoration of the democra- cy, b. c. 403, viii. 305; assassina- tion of Alkibiades demanded by, viii. 313; the Cyreians under, ix. 1?0, 174, 208, 217, 318 ; and Dor- ieus, ix. 271 seq. ; and Corinthians, conflicts between, b. C. 393, ix. 326 seq.; victory of, within the Long Walls of Corinth, ix. 3.33 seq. ; and the Olynthian confederacy, x. 56 ; seizure of the Kadmeia at Thebes by, x. 60 seq.; trial and execution of Ismenias by, x. 64 ; their surrender of the Kadmeia at Thebes, x. Si- seq. ; defeat of, at Tegyra, x. 134 ; expulsion of, from Bceotia, b. c. 374, x. 135; ai Kromnus, x. 316 seq.; at Manti- nea, E. C. 362, X. 329, 335, 338, 340 seq.; and Alexander, xii. 13. Laches, expedition to Sicily under, vii. 132. Lachesis, i. 7. Laconla, genealogy of, i. 168; ])opu lation of, ii. 362 ; gradual conquest of, ii. 417; modern, ii. 418 ?j. 3, 454 n. ; invasions of, by Epaininon- das, x. 215 seq., 3.30 seq. ; western, abstraction of, from Sparta, x. 226 seq. Lade, combined Ionic fleet at, iv. 300 seq. ; victory of Persian fleet at, iv. 304. Laius and CEdipus, i. 265. Lahes and marshes of Greece, ii 219. Lamachus, vii. 148, 190 seq., 256. L'lmin, Antipater at, xii. 315 seq. Lamktn war, xii. 315 seq., 334. Lampsakiis, revolt of, viii. 91: recov- ery of, bv Strombichid*s, viiL 96. Ljinqiiage, Greek, dialects o', ii. 239. DaniM, xii. 208. Laocoon, i. 303. LaomedSn, i. 57, 285. Laphjstios, Zeus, i. 127. Laphystitis and Timoieon, xi. 192. Lai-issa, Asiatic, iii. 191 )j. 1, 192. Lasit, use of, by Xerxes, v. 24, 31. Lasthenes and Euthykrates, xi. 351, 352. Latin, Oscan, and Greek langnages, iii. 354. Lai lam. emigration from Arcadia to, iii. 351 n. 3 ; plunder of, by Diony- sius, xi. 25. Latins, a']notrians and Epirots, rela- tionship of iii. 351. Latona and Zeus, offspring of, i. 10. fjauriam, mines of. v. 55 seq. Laws, authority of in historical Ath- ens, ii. 81 ; of Solon, iii. 131 seq.; of Zalcukus, iii. 382; and pseph- isms, distinction between, v. 373^ enactment and repeal of, at Ath- ens, V. 373 seq. Laijard's "Nineveh and its Remains" iii. 305. Learchiis and Erjxo, iv. 43.