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OLYMPIEION. 556 OIM'YGIA. tance of, ii. 241, 242; the early point of union between Spartans, Messenians, and Eleians, ii. 334; and the Delian festival, iv. 54 ; celebrity, history and duration of, iv. 55 seq. ; interference of, with the defence Thermopylae, v. 77 ; and the Kameia, v. 77 n. ; conver- sation of Xerxes on, v. 113; of the 90th Olympiad, vii. 52 seq. ; celebration of, b' the Arcadians and Pisatans, X. 318 seq. ; legation of Dionysius to, xi. 28 seq. Olympieion near Syracuse, battle of, vii. 219 seq. Olympus, ii. 211. Olympics, the Phrygian, iii. 213 n., iv. 75. Olynlhiac, the earliest, of Demos- thenes, xi. 327 seq. ; the second, of Demosthenes, xi. 331 seq. ; the third, of Demosthenes, xi, 335 seq. Olynthiacs of Demosthenes, order of, xi. 358 seq. Olynlhian confederacy, x. 50 seq., 68, 381, xi. 324; war, xi. 325-363. Olynthus, iv. 24 ; capture and re-po- pulation of, by Artabazus, v. 149; increase of, by Perdikkas, vi. 69 ; expedition of Eudamidas against, X. 58 ; Teleutias at, x. 65 seq. ; Agesipolis at, x. 67 ; submission of, to Sparta, x. 68; alliance of re- jected by the Athenians, xi. 236 ; al- liance of, with Philip, xi. 236 seq.; secedes from the alliance of Philip, and makes peace with Athens, xi. 319 ; hostility of Philip to, xi. 320; Philip's half-brothers flee to, xi. 321 ; intrigues of Philip in, xi. 321 ; attack of Philip upon, xi. 325, 331 ; alliance of, with Athens, xi. 326 : renewed application of, to Athens, against Philip, xi. 331 ; assistance from Athens to, b. c. 350, xi. 334; three expeditions from Athens to, b. C. 349-348, xi. 334 n., 349; expedition of Athe- nians to, B. c. 349, xi. 346, 347 ; rapture of by Philip, xi. 350 seq., 364, 365, 372. (jneirus. i. 7, ii. 185. G.Mciuin, Mount, Epaminondas at, x. 254. Onesilus, iv. 292 seq. Onomakks, viii. 84 seq. Onamakritus, v. 3. Oiwmarchus, and the treasures in the temple at Delplii, xi. 255; suc- cesses of, 256, 293 ; at Chieroneia, xi. 257 ; power of the Phokians under, xi. 261 ; aid to Lvkophron by, xi. 293; death of, xi.294. Ophelias, xii. 428, 431 seq. Ophis, the, x. 36. Opici, iii. 353. Opis, Alexander's voyage to, xii. 243 Oracle at Delphi, legend of, i. 47 ; and the Kretans, i. 226 n. 2 ; and the Battiad dynasty, iv. 43 ; answers of, on Xerxes's invasion, v. 60 seq. Oracles, consultation and authority of, among the Greeks, ii. 255; in Bceotia consulted by Mardonius, v. 149. Orations, funeral, of Perikles, vi. 31, 144 seq. Orchomenians, i. 3)3. Orchomenus, ante-historical, i. 130 seq.; and Thebes, i. 135, v. 159 n.4, X. 194. Orchomenus, early historical, ii. 273; capitulation of, B. c. 418, vii. 75; revolt of, from Thebes to Sparta, ix. 293, and the Pan-Arcadian union, x. 209, 210; destruction of, X. 311. Oreithyia, i. 199. Orestes, i. 163 seq. ; and Agamemnon transferred to Sparta, i. 165. Orestes, bones of, ii. 447. Oreits, xi. 449, 452. Orgies, post-Homeric, i. 27. Oroetes, iv. 226, 245. Orontes the Persian nobleman, ix. 36, 40 n. 2. Orontes, the Persian satrap, x. 22. 24. Oropus, vi. 383 n. 2, viii. 25, x. 286. Orphans in legendary and iiistorical Greece, ii. 91. Orpheotelestce, iii. 87. Orpheus, i. 21, 22. Orphic Theogony, i. 16 seq.; egg, i. 1 8 ; life, the, i. 23 ; brotherhood, i. 34. Orsines, xii. 237. Orthagoridce, iii. 33 seq. Orthros, i. 7. Ortyges, iii. 187. Ortygia, iii. 363 ; fortification and oc- cupation of, by Dionysius, x. 458 seq. ; Dionysius besieged in, x.