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OSCAN. 567 I'AEMENIU. 4tj2 seq. ; blockade of, by DioD,xi. 95, 98, 114; sallies of Nypsius from, xi. 107, 109, 111 ; Dion's en- try into, xi. 117, surrender of, to Timoleon, xi. 150 seq.; advantage of, to Timoleon, xi. 155 ; siege of, by Hikctas and Magon, xi. 156 seq. ; Timoleon's demolition of the Dionysian works in, xi. 165; Timoleon erects courts of justice in, xi. 165. Dscan, Latin and Greek languages, iii. 354. (hcatis, iii S.IS. O.tsa and Pelion, ii. 214, Ostracism, similarity of, to Solon's condemnation of neutrality in se- dition, iii. 145, 147 seq., vii. 108 seq.; of Ilyperbolus, iv. 151, vii. 101 seq.; of Kimon, v. 366; of Thucydides, son of Melesias, vi. 19; projected contention of, be- tween Nikias and Alkibiades, vii. 106 seq. ; at Syracuse, vii. 122. Olaiies, iv. 223, 249 seq., 277. Olhnjades, ii. 449. Ol/iri/s, ii. 213 seq. Olos and Ephialtes, i. 136. Odd at Tomi, xii. 474 n. Oxtis crossed by Alexander, xii. 201. Oxylns, i. 1.53, ii. 4, 9. Osi/themis Koronteus, ii. 332 n. 2. PacJies, at Mitylene, vi. 226, 237 seq. ; at Notium, vi. 242 ; pursues the fleet of Alkidas to Patmos, vi. 241 ; sends Mitylensean prisoners to Athens, vi. 243 ; crimes and death of, vi. 258. Pomuians, iv. 15; conquest of, by Megabazus, iv. 276 ; victory of Philip over, xi. 214. Par/asae, conquest of, by Philip, xi. 295 ; importance of the Gulf of, to Philip, xi. 303. Pugondas, vi. 384 seq. Paicti/as, the Lydian, iv. 200 seq. Palcanon and Ino, i. 124. Puleephattis, his treatment of mythes, i. 415 seq. Palantedes, i. 294. Palike, foundation of, vii, 123. Palladium, capture of, i. 302. Pallakopas, xii. 250. Pallas, i. 6, 8. PalUts, son of Pandidn, i. 205. Pallene, i. 318, iv. 24. Palus Mceotis, tribes east of, iii. 242. Pammenes, expedition of, to Megalo^ polls, X. 359, xi. 257, 299. Pamphyli, Hylleis, and Dymanes, ii 360. Pamphylia, conquest of, by Alexan- der, xii. 99. Panaktum, vii. 24, 29. Pan-Arcadian Ten Thousand, x. 232. 322. Pan-Arcadian union, k. 208 seq., 321 seq. Pandidn, i. 196. Pandidn, son of Phineus, i. 199. Pandidn II., i. 204. Pandora, i. 71, 76 seq. Pan-Hellenic proceeding, the earliest approach to, iv. 50 ; feeling, growth of, between b. c. 776-560, iv. 51 ; character of the four great games, iv. 67 ; congress at the Isthmus of Corinth, v. 57 seq. ; patriotism of the Athenians on Xerxes's inva- sion, V. 62 ; union under Sparta after the repulse of Xerxes, v. 260 ; schemes and sentiment of Perikles, vi. 18 ; pretences of Alexander, xii. 51. Pan-Ionic festival and Amphiktyony in Asia, iii. 177. Panoptes, Argos, i. 84. Panlaleon, ii. 434. Pantikapaum, xii. 479 seq., 487. Pantiles, story of, v. 94 n. 1. Paphlagonia, submission of, to Alcy ander, xii. 111. PaMafjonians, and the Ten Thousand Greeks, ix. 144. Paragraphs, viii. 299. Parali, at Samos, viii. 29. Paralus, arrival of, at Athens fron Samos, viii. 30. Paranomon, Graphe, v. 375 seq., viii 36. Parasang, length of ix. 14 n. 3. Paris, i. 286 seq., 301. Parisades I., xii. 482. Parmenidis, viii. 343, 344 n. Parmenio, embassy of, from Philip to Athens, xi. 386, 388, 389, 398, 401 ; operations of, in Asia Minor against Memnon, xii. 49; debate of, with Alexander at Miletus, xii. 47*