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298 APPENDIX expenses of the temple of Kali Devi, which stands there. As in the Bengali language the words Karta and Kat mean the proprietor of that Kali, in course of time, by the elision of the I it began to be called Calcutta. 1 I now proceed to an account of the foundation of the city, and how the Honourable Company's factory was maintained at Gholghat and Moghulpura, near Hugli. Suddenly, at about sunset, when the English officers were at their dinner, a violent bore arose in the river and fell with such force upon the shore that the factory was in danger of falling down. The officers ran out in great consternation and saved their lives. All the goods and property were destroyed by the water, and a few men and several animals lost their lives. Mr. Chanak (Job Charnock), their chief, having pur- chased the Benarasi Bagh, or " Benares Garden," which belonged to the Company's agent at Gholghat, near the city, cut down the trees and founded a factory, the buildings of which were raised two and three stories high. When the compound was made and the rooms were ready to be roofed in, the nobles and chief men among the Sayyids and Moghuls, who were great merchants, went to Mir Nasir, the magistrate of Hugli, and declared that if the strangers were allowed to as- cend their lofty houses, they, the Moghuls, would be greatly dishonoured, seeing that the persons of their women would be exposed to view. The magistrate sent 1 This is not very logical or comprehensible. The more accurate explana- tion is given above.