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INDEX 309 Azores reached by Portuguese ships (14th century), 50 Taken as a starting-point for the Papal demarcation line (1493), 63 Sir Francis Drake captures a Spanish vessel off the, 206 Azurara quoted, 54, 59-60 B Bab-al-Mandab, straits of, 20 Babylon, ancient trade of, 3, 9, 28 Bacchus appears in the mythological machinery of the " Lusiad," 71 Bacon, Roger, referred to, 36 Brunette Latini visits, 53 " Opus Majus " of, quoted, 58 Baghdad, Greek embassy to (917 A. D.), 11-12 Devastated by the Mongols (1258), 13 Ancient trade of, with India, 15 Bahadur Kambu, servant of Shah Jahan, joins Allah Yar Khan at Haldipur in expedition against the Christians at Hugli, 280 Bahmanid dynasty (1347-1525 A. D.), 75, 82 Bantam, Portuguese attack on, 141 Early English trade with, 257 Barbary corsairs as a political factor in the struggle for the Mediterranean, 31-32, 221 Barbosa, Duarte, letters of, quoted, 108- 109, 142, 152 Barents, William, Arctic expeditions of (1594-96), 198 Barros, Joao de, Portuguese historian, quoted, 53-54, 116 Bassein taken by the Portuguese (1534), 132 Protection of mosques of, guaranteed by the Portuguese, 128 Batalha, 42, 47 Baticala, 88 Batuta, Ibn, of Tangiers (1304-77), quoted, 18, 30 Behaim, Martin, improves the astrolabe, 69 Belem (or Restello), chapel at, 73 Bengal, Portuguese in, 113, 165 Low price of slaves in, 141 Portuguese trade with, 156-157 Piracy of Portuguese on Bay of, 165 Fitch's journey through, 212 Berenice, trade emporium founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus, 22, 23, 24 Bijapur, a Mohammedan kingdom of Southern India (1489-1688 A. D.), 132-133 Boccaccio, reference to, 51 Bojador, Cape, and Portuguese explora- tions, 49, 50, 51, 52, 65 Bokhara, Anthony Jenkinson reaches (1557), 181 Bombay, strong position of the Portu- guese near, 131, 134 Borgian map, 170 Bostra, capital of the Roman province of Arabia, 11 Bozrah (El Buseireh), ancient trade em- porium, 5, 8-9 Brahmans in Malabar, 79 Brasylle (Island of the Blest), 173 Brazil, discovery of, by Portuguese under Cabral (1500), 86 English under Fenton at (1582-83), 189-190 French and Portuguese settlements in, 194 Bristol, John Cabot's crew from, 68, 175 Charters granted to adventurers of, 172, 175 Exploring expeditions from, 173, 174, 175 Sebastian Cabot born at, 178 Bruges, mediaeval trade emporium, 34 Decay of, 35, 202 Its sailors and school of cartography. 44, 200 Buddhism carried from Central Asia to Burma, Ceylon, and China, 27 Influence of, on trade, 27 Bulls, Papal, of 1179, 64 ; of 1454, 59, 65 ; of 1481, 65 ; of 1493, 63, 167, 169, 174, 187, 193-197, 201, 219, 227, 232 ; of 1502, 85 ; of 1506, 65 ; of 1514, 65 Burleigh, Lord Cecil, Fenton's letter to, 189 Issues warrants for voyages to the East, 237-238 Burma, Fitch's journey through, 212 Burrough, Sir John, 206-207 Burrough, Stephen, expedition of, to find the Northeast Passage (1555- 56), 181 Burton, W., mentions the Portuguese as Fringes, 165 Bassorah, Indian trade at, 11-12 Cabot, John, Venetian explorer, dis- covers North America for England (1497), 68, 175, 176 Cabot, Sebastian (son of John), born in Bristol, 178 Attempts of, to reach India by a northwest and a northeast passage, 176, 178, 179