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310 INDEX A cartographer, 178 Governor of the first English East India Company (1551), 179 Cabral, Pedro Alvarez, expedition of, to India (1500) and discovery of Brazil, 85-88, 92, 116-117, 122 Rich return cargo of, 151 Cadomosto, Venetian maritime discov- erer, quoted - 53 Cairo, great trade of, 30, 104 Calcutta, incidents attendant on the founding of the city of, 297-303 River face of, burned, 299 Trade of, 300-301 Description of, 301-303 Calicut, early trade of, 30, 78 Visits of Vasco da Gama to (1498), 69, 75 ; (1502) 87-88 Size of, 75-76, 77 Ruler of, 76 Portuguese trade with, 83, 86 Portuguese treaties with, 83, 118, 120- 121, 122, 131 Establishment of a Portuguese factory at (1500), 86 Portuguese struggles with the ruler of, 86, 87, 88, 90-92, 95-97, 105, 131, 143, 148 Portuguese fortress at, 115 Samuri (Zamorin) of, orders Christians killed, 288 Samuri of, twice defeated at Cochin, 291 The Jami' Masjid of, burned by the Christians, 292 Christians in, killed for burning the Jami' Masjid, 292 Death of the Samuri of, 293 Cambay, Gulf of, Portuguese trade with, 105, 132 Canary Islands, early Portuguese con- nection with, 51, 63, 154 Cannanore, early trade in, 78 Da Gama visits (1498), 83 Portuguese trade with, 83, 86, 88, 105 Fortress at, 115 Christians build fort at, and engage in spice trade, 288, 291 Cantino, reference to map of (1502), 66 Canton, early trade of, 28 Portuguese at (1527), 166 Cape of Good Hope (Cabo Tormentoso), rounded by Portuguese under Dias (1486), 57, 61 Passed by English (1588), 192-193; (1591) 193, 207 Passed by Dutch (1595), 211, 213, 219 First voyage of the English East In- dia Company around (1601), 246 Cape Route to India, Portuguese quest for, discovery and monopoly of, 42-73, 75-175 Caravels, 52, 53, 66, 145, 147 Cards and dice forbidden in the English voyage of 1578, 185 Forbidden in the English factories in India, 253 Carthage, a Phoenician settlement, 10 Secret commerce of, 199 Cartography, Portuguese school of, 44, 56, 199 Antwerp school of, 200, 208 Cartwright, John, chaplain to Wey- mouth's Northwestern Expedition, 248-251 Caspian Sea, an ancient Eastern trade- route, 1, 14, 182, 221 Castile, relation of, to Portugal, 40, 41, 42 Struggle of, with Portugal and battle oflLljubarrota (1385), 40-42 Cathay (see also China), 27, 175, 179, 181, 182-184, 188, 198 Cavendish, Thomas, voyage of, around the world (1586), 190, 192 Central Asia, early trade-routes through, 13, 14, 15 Ceuta, Portuguese siege of (1415), 42-44 Ceylon, ancient trade centre, 24, 27, 29, 78, 79 Portuguese treaty with, 96 Portuguese control of, 146-147 Christians expelled from, 295 Chaldaea, ancient trade centre, 2, 3 Influence of, on early Indian astron- omy, 28 Chale, Antonio Fernandes, Malabar native Christian, commands native troops for the Portuguese, 143 Receives state burial, 143 Chanak founds city bearing his name, 300 Chancelor, Richard, Northeastern Ex- pedition of (1553), 180-181 Chandarnagar, European settlements at, 303-304 Charles II of England, charter of, to the East India Company (1661), 256 Charles V, Emperor, Indian policy of, 170, 173, 203 Charnock, see Chanak Charter of Henry VII to Anglo-Portu- guese adventurers, 172, 203 Of Henry VII to the Cabots, 175-178 Of the Muscovy Company (1554), 181, 220, 236, 247 Of the Cathay Company, 183 Of the Levant or Turkey Company (1581), 205, 221-222 ; (1593) 205, 210, 212, 221-222, 230-231