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INDEX 313 Jews and Christians settle in the, 287 Delhi, decay of early Afghan dynasties of, 82-83 Demarcation line of Papal Bull in 1493, 63-67, 85, 168-169 Deptford, East India Company buys ships at (1600), 229, 255 Deuteronomy, quoted, 21 Dias, Bartholemeu, Portuguese naviga- tor, rounds the Cape of Good Hope (1486), 57-58, 60-61, 67-68 Diniz, King of Portugal, 40 Diu, naval victory of the Portuguese under Almeida against the Moslems, at (1509), 97, 102, 110, 117, 131 Attacked by the Turks (1545), 109 Albuquerque urges the erection of a fortress at, 115 Becomes a Portuguese stronghold (1535), 132, 134, 147 Portuguese expedition against (1522), 139 Revenues from, 153 Drake, Sir Francis, voyage around the world of, 187, 190, 192, 206, 216, 234 Duarte, King of Portugal, 42 Dudley, Sir Robert, encourages Indian trade (1596), 214 Dupleix, Indian policy of, anticipated by the Portuguese and Dutch, 149 E Edom, trade-route through, 3-8 Edward, the Black Prince, proposed Portuguese marriage of , 40 Edward I, of England, friendship of, with Portugal, 40 Edward II, of England, friendship of, with Portugal, 40 Edward III, of England, alliance and com- merce of, with Portugal, 40 Edward VI, of England, maritime ex- ploration under, and letter of, to Eastern potentates, 179 Egypt, emporium for Eastern and Afri- can products, 1, 3-4 Demand for Eastern products in an- cient times, 3 Indo-European trade by way of, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 208 Seized by the Turks, 32, 97, 103-104, 125 Elizabeth, Queen of England, sea policy and trade charters of, 182-197, 204- 258 Letters of, to the kings of the East Indies and China, 212, 245-246, 248 Emmanuel the Fortunate, of Portugal, 201 Encourages the quest for India, 67-73 Expeditions to, and policy of, in India, 84-122, 146-147, 153-156 English, alliances of the, with Portugal, 39-43, 172, 203, 204 Attempts of, to reach India, 167-215, 246-248, 251-252 Struggle and relations of, with Spain, 187-209. 214-215, 221, 225-229, 231- 232, 236-237, 256 Rivalry, struggle, and negotiations of, with Holland for the Eastern trade, 212-222, 256 Rivalry and struggle of, with Portugal for the Indian trade, 256 Power of the, established in India, 296 Permitted by Aurangzib to build fac- tories in his empire, 300 Eratosthenes, quoted, 48 Erzeroum, trade-route by, 19 Esquimaux, Frobisher brings back an (1576), 183 Euphrates, Lower, a great trade mart, 2 Abraham starts from, for Egypt, 4-5, 6 Europeans, at Akbar's court, 263-270 Grant passes for ships to Mecca, 270- 272 Under Jahangir's reign, 272-274 At Hugli in Shah Jahan's time, 274- 284 Customs of, at Hugli in Mohammad Shah's time, 284-286 Settlements of, at Chandarnagar, 303- 304 Famagusta in Cyprus, Venetian trade emporium (1475), 33 Taken by the Turks (1570-1571), 33 Faria, Pedro de, letter of, quoted, 143 Farmaliun, a friar of Goa, visits court of Akbar, 269 Fenton, Captain Edward, expedition of, toward India by the southern routes, 188-189 Reaches Brazil, buccaneers, and re- turns to England (1582-1583), 189- 190 Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain expel the Jews and Moors, 32-33 Employ Columbus to explore for Spain, 63, 65, 174 Policy and negotiations of, with Eng- land, 174 Employ Sebastian Cabot as a cartog- rapher, 178 Fernando of Portugal, " the Constant Prince," 42