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314 INDEX Fitch, Ralph, English trader in India (1583), 135 Influence of travels of, on English Eastern enterprise, 210, 212 Flanders, position of, in the fourteenth century, 40 Map makers and gravers of, in the six- teenth century, 200-201 Commerce of, 206^208 Florida, French colonies in, and their de- struction by the Spaniards, 195 Fortifications, Portuguese policy of, in the East, 87, 114-115 Forts, Portuguese, at Calicut, 115 Portuguese, at Cannanore, 88, 115 Portuguese, at Cochin, 90, 92, 115 Portuguese, at Diu, 132, 134, 147 Portuguese, at Malacca, 106, 115- 126-127 Portuguese, at Onnuz, 104, 115, 123- 124 Portuguese, at Socotra, 99 Dutch, in the East, 219, 220 Founders' Hall, 216, 220, 229 Foxe's " Book of Martyrs," 255 France, position of, in the fourteenth century, 40 Exploring expeditions of, 168, 194 Relations of, with England in the six- teenth and seventeenth centuries, 177-178, 191, 194 Struggle of, with the Pope, 194 Treaty of, with Spain (1598), 225 Francis I of France ridicules the Papal demarcation line, 194 Franciscan friars, at Soldaia (1280), 17- 18 Sent to India from Portugal (1500), 86, 116-117 In Socotra (1507), 100 Freitas, Jordao de, obtains Amboyna as a gift, 163 Frobisher, Martin, Northwestern expe- ditions and supposed gold discovery of (1576-1578), 182-188, 234 Fuggers, merchants of Augsburg, 34, 217 G Galleys and Galleons, 52, 144-145 147- 148 Gama, Vasco da, first voyage of, to India (1497-1499), 2, 67-76, 80-88, 98, 162, 172, 200, 201-202, 208 Reaches India by way of the Cape route (1498), 69-73 Death of the brother of, 69 Treaty of, with Cannanore (1498), 83- 84 Second voyage of (1502), 87-88, 92, 117, 154 Establishes shore agencies, 88, 52 Cruelty of, to the natives, 88-89, 117- 118 Rich return cargo of, 151 Gampu, 29 Gaunt, John of, family connection with Spain and Portugal, 40-42 Genoa and the Eastern trade-routes, 12, 16-20, 31, 33, 34, 37, 49 Struggle of, with the Moors, 32 Pilots and navigators of, 44, 49, 50-51, 56 Germany, the Reformation in, 194 Ghats, Eastern and Western, 74-75 Ghori Sultans of Egypt, decline of dy- nasty of, 292 Gibraltar, Straits of, Spanish command of, 209, 221 Ginger, one of the spices of the Malabar coast as distinguished from the more costly spices of the Eastern Archi- pelago, 105 Albuquerque secures the trade in, on the Malabar coast, 126 Portuguese trade in, 151 Goa, Inquisition at, 56 Captured by Albuquerque and made capital of Portuguese India (1510), 105-108, 116, 131-135, 140 Anchorage and harbour of, 134 Ancient, 135 Wealth and luxury of, 135-139 Native troops and trade of, 141-143, 145, 153-154, 158 Corruption of Portuguese in, 166, 212 Linschoten at, 210 Fitch visits (1583-1584), 212 European articles in, 264 Fort of, headquarters of the Chris- tians, 292, 293 Gold, mines of, in Africa, 153 Frobisher's supposed discovery of, 184 . 186 Non-exportation of. 232 Gomez, Diogo, quoted. 47 Gothland, early trade of, 18 Gravesend, Hore sails from, 177 Frobisher sails from, 183 Greece, Phoenician alphabet carried to, 4 Asiatic trade of, 29 Greenwich, 191 Greville, Fulke (1600), 228 Guinea, Portuguese trade and proselyt- ism in, 55, 57, 59, 204-205 English trade with, 204 Gujarat, Portuguese treaties with, and control of, 131, 132