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318 INDEX dine on European Powers in India, 149-150 Mohammed, Camoens's conception of, 71 Albuquerque's design to carry off the bones of, 104 Mohammedanism, enforced conversion of some Christians to, by Shah Jahan, 283-284 Rise of, 287 Mohammedans and European Christians, conflicts between, 286-288, 291-297 Moluccas, see Spice Islands Mombassa, Portuguese control over, 94 Mongols devastate Asia and obstruct the trade-routes, 13, 18-20, 31 Monson, Sir William, " Naval Tracts " of, quoted, 199 Monsoons, discovery of, and effect on Indo-Egyptian trade, 22-23, 31 Moors, expulsion of, from Spain, 32 Piracy of, in the Mediterranean, 31-32 Possessions of, in Spain, 38 Struggle of, with the Portuguese, 40, 42-44, 54-55, 89-90 Morocco, English embassy to the Em- peror of (1577), and establishment of trade in, 204-205 Moslems, struggle of the Egyptian, with the Portuguese for the Indian seas, 94-104, 10 -110, 114-115, 131 Mosques, Portuguese protection of (1534), 128 Motley, John Lothrop, quoted, 35 Mozambique, Portuguese control of, 94, 108, 153 Muscat, Portuguese bombard and take (1507), 100 Turks sack (1581), 110 Mussulmans, in Southern India, Indian and Arab elements of, 79, 81-91 Struggle of, with the Portuguese, 92- 165 Allowed by the inhabitants .to settle in the Deccan and Hindustan, 287 Myos Hormos, trade emporium, founded by Ptolemy Philadelphus (274 B. c.), 22-23 N Nairs, military tribe of Southwestern India, 78-80 Employed in Portuguese army, 91, 140 Namur, 208 Naples, Spanish control of, 209 Native alliances, part of the Portuguese policy, 83-85, 86, 87-91, 96, 119- 121, 126-131, 148-150 Part of the Dutch policy, 220 Native troops employed by Portuguese, 90-91, 140-144 Employed long before Dupleix, 149- 150 Nautical instruments, development of, made maritime discovery possible. 50-73, 145, 199-201 Navigation, Portuguese school for scien- tific, 44, 56, 200 Difficulties of early, 48-54 Portuguese ships and expeditions for (thirteenth to sixteenth centuries), 49-56, 68 85, 106, 115, 120-121, 124-125, 131, 139, 141, 144-156 Columbus's and Da Gama's fleets for. 68-69 Antwerp school for scientific, 200 Neck, Van, expeditions of, to India (1598), 213, 214 Newcastle, coal-ships at (sixteenth cen- tury), 221 Newfoundland, discovery of, referred to, 176 English ships at, 176-177, 193, 204 Portuguese, Spanish, and English fisheries at, 204 Nicholas V, Pope, Bulls of, quoted, 44, 59,65 Nicote, Portuguese soldier, proclaimed king of Pegu, 163 Nile, Indo-European trade by way of the, 1, 3, 4, 21, 22, 33 Carian and Ionian settlements on the, 21 Albuquerque's design for diverting waters of the, to the Red Sea, 103- 104 Valley, Moslem trade with the, 104 Non, Cape, navigation of, 49, 54 Northeast Passage, Sir Hugh Willoughby (1553) attempts to reach India by the, 178-181 Chancelor and Burroughs (1555-1556) attempt to reach India by the, 181 Anthony Jenkinson urges exploration by the (1565), 182 Jackman and Pet sent by the Mus- covy Company (1580), to reach India by the, 188 Resolve to discover the (1583), 190 William Barents's three voyages (1594, 1595, 1596) to discover the, 198-199 Northwest Passage, John Scplus (1476) attempts to reach India by the, 173 Thylde (1480) attempts to reach India by the, 173 Various expeditions from Bristol (1491-1498) attempt to reach India by the, 173 John Cabot (1497) attempts to reach India by the, 175