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INDEX 319 Further expeditions (1498-1502) at- tempt to reach India by the, 175 To the Spice islands advocated by Robert Thorne and an expedition sent out (1527), 176-177 Here's attempt (1536) to reach India by the, 177-178 Sir Humphrey Gilbert's " Discourse," urging the discovery of the (1566- 1567), 182 Frobisher's three voyages to reach India by the, (1576) 183, (1577) 184-185, (1578) 185-186 Fenton's attempt (1582) to reach India by the, 188-190 Three voyages of John Davis (1585, 1586, 1587) to attempt to reach India by the, 190-191 Verazzani commissioned to make discoveries (1524) regarding the reaching of India by the, 194 Waymoutn sent by the East India Company (1602) to reach India by the, 246-248, 251 Another expedition by Waymouth resolved on by the East India Com- pany (1602) in an attempt to reach India by the, 251 Knight's voyage (1606) attempting to reach India by the, 251 Nova, Joao da, expedition to India (1501) and policy of, 87 Death of, 102 Nova Zembla, Sir Hugh Willoughby reaches, 180 Dutch at, 198 Novgorod, ancient trade emporium of, 18 One of the Hanse towns, 34 Abolition of the charters (1475) and decay of, 35 Nutmegs, Portuguese trade in, 151 O Observatory, first Portuguese, 44, 56 Odenathus, 10-11 Onor, Portuguese dealings with, 148 Ophir (Abhira or Sopheira), 7 Opium, mediaeval trade in, from Arabia and Egypt to India and China, 152 Albuquerque recommends cultivation of, in Portugal, 152 Order of Christ, Prince Henry the Navi- gator Grand Master of the, 44, 54 Privileges granted to the, 55, 65 Missionary zeal of the, 72-73 A Malabar Christian made knight of the, 143 Ormuz, Covilham travels through, 61 Albuquerque attacks (1507), and makes the treaties with, 100-101, 120-121, 123-124 Albuquerque's fortress at, 100, 104, 115, 121, 123 Portuguese control of, 113, 121, 123- 125, 157-158 Albuquerque's conquest of (1515), 140 Horse trade of, 158 Fitch and his companions taken pris- oners at, 212 Ortelius, Abraham, geographer, 200 Osborn, Sir Edward, a founder of the Levant Company (1581), 222 Otranto taken by the Turks (1480), 32 Ovid, 48 Oxus, ancient northern trade-route by way of the, 1, 13-19, 22 Pacem, in Sumatra, Portuguese treaty with (1511), 148 Pacheco, Duarte, Portuguese captain, victories of, at Cochin and Quilon. 90, 92, 140 Death of, 91 Paiva, Affonso de, travels of, 60 Palestine, trade-route through, 3, 4 Palmyra, trade emporium, 6, 10, 15 Panjim, 135 Papal influence on trade during the fif- teenth and sixteenth centuries, 59, 63-67, 85, 95, 115-117, 167-168, 193- 197 Parnel, Portuguese attack, 142 Patricius, 24 Peacocks, Indian origin of, 8 Pedro, Prince of Portugal, traveller, 42, 200 Pegu, Portuguese soldier proclaimed king of, 163 Pepper, one of the cheaper spices as dis- tinguished from the more precious spices of the Eastern Archipelago, 105 Portuguese offer to supply the Turks with, in exchange for wheat (1541), 110 Portuguese royal monopoly of, at Quilon (1520), 123 Albuquerque secures trade of, on the Malabar coast (1511), 126 Portuguese trade in, 151 Lancaster's trade in (1594), 193 Dutch raise the price of, against the English (1599), 221 Warrants to restrain the sale of, in England, until the royal share was disposed of, 238