320 INDEX Pera, 19 Perkins, William, works of, sent out to India (1611), 255 Persia as a Mediterranean power, 9 Papal embassy to Tartar chief in, 36 Persian Gulf, Indian trade byway of the, 2, 29, 78, 151 Chaldaean and Sabsean trade on the, 3, 4 Portuguese struggle for and command of the, 100-102, 104-113, 123-125, 132, 146-147, 151 Pet, Northeastern expedition of, and discovery of the straits bearing his name (1580), 188 Peutingerian Tables, quoted, 78, 200 Pharaon Necho, early maritime explora- tions of, 47 Phasis, trade emporium, 14, 16 Pheasant brought from Phasis, 14 Philip II, of Spain, union of Spain and Portugal under, and its effect on European policy (1580), 190, 191, 205, 209 Attempts of, to fortify the Straits of Magellan, 192 Sends the Spanish Armada against England (1588), 192-193 Destruction of Armada of, throws open the ocean route to the East, 197, 205, 209 Forbids Dutch vessels to trade with Spain and ruins Antwerp, 206-207 Wages war against the Dutch in the East (1597-1598), 218 Philippa of England, wife of John I of Portugal, life and influence of, 41-43 Tomb of, 42, 46-47 Philippines, Magellan killed at the (1521), 169 Spanish-Portuguese right to the, 226 Phoenicians, 3 Alphabet of the, 4 Command the outlets of the Syrian trade-route, 4, 5-8, 10, 21 Piratas, a name applied to the English by the Portuguese, 67 Pirates, all intruders beyond Lisbon to the south treated as, 201 Pisa and the Syrian trade-route, 12 Polo, Marco, the Elder, will of, 17-18 The Younger, travels and works of. 37, 58, 199 Pompey, 10-11 Porto Santo, Portuguese discovery of (1418-1420), 32 Portugal, mediaeval position of, in Europe, 39, 208 Heroic age of, under the House of Aviz, 39-173, 200-203 English alliances with, 39-43 Prince Henry of, 43-44, 49-56 Struggle of, with Islam for the Indian Seas (1500-1600), 74-112 Native alliances and treaties of, 83-84, 119-133 Native troops employed by, 91, 140- 144 Sphere of influence and coast line of, 113, 145-148 Rewards Timoja, 133 Native troops employed by, long be- fore the time of Dupleix, 149 Union of Spain and (1580), 170, 172, 190 Don Antonio, a claimant for, encour- aged in England (1581), 191 Makes Antwerp her Northern Euro- pean entrepot for Indian produce, 202-203 Portuguese rule, conquest and conversion the basis of, in Africa, 38, 39, 42-44, 54, 55, 56, 59-60 Crusading spirit of the, in Africa and India, 38-44, 54-60, 71-73, 80-82, 95, 107-111, 116-117, 118-119, 162, 208 Quest for, and monopoly of, the Cape route to India, 44-73 Quest for the Christian land of Prester John, 59-61, 108-109 Rule, conquest and conversion the basis of, in the East, 71-73, 81, 85-87, 95-96, 107-109, 111, 116-117, 118- 119, 121-122 Trade and treaties on the Malabar coast, 74-85 Territorial power established by Al- buquerque in the East, (1503) 89- 91, (1509-15) 98-112 Protect the Nestorian St. Thomas Christians, 90-91, 123, 128 Crusading spirit and conversion form part of the policy of, 91, 116-120 India, Almeida first viceroy of (1505- 1509), 93-103 Religious toleration of, 123, 128 Prohibit shipbuilding in west-coast Indian ports, 131 Capture Goa (1510), 116, 132 Policy in Asia (1500-1600), 135-166 System of slave labour, 136, 141, 144 Army and navy in Asia (sixteenth century), 139-151, 163 System of colonization, 142, 164-165 Shipbuilding of the, in India, 145 Piratical methods of the, against Mos- lems, 151-153 African Company, formation of the, 154-155
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