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302 INDEX Compact with Johor to seize Malacca, 69 Make an "Eternal Treaty" with Bantam raja, 70 Governor appointed viceroy by the Sultan of Ternate, 72 Treaties with Amboyna, terms of, 72 Alarmed at the proposal of the King of Sumatra to take an English wife, 77 Trade established from Java to the Moluccas, 79 Take practical care of well-being of their servants, 79-80 Negotiations in Europe regarding trade rights, 80-82 Settlements in Europe rendered null and void by growing animosities in the East, 82 Agreement at The Hague rendered im- possible by England's refusal to open breach with Spain, 82 Third negotiation of the, with the English, regarding a United Com- pany, 83, 84 Prevent people of Machian and the Moluccas from trading with Eng- land, 84 Rob natives from the Red Sea to China in name of the English, 85 Pull down an English flag, 85 Governor-generals, term of office of, five years, 86 Capture two English ships, 91 Commissioners sent to London, 92 Demand that English share charges of Dutch fortresses in the East, 92 Apparent reconciliation of the, with the English in the East, 95 Defeat an English squadron off Suma- tra, 97 Capture six English ships in 1619, 110 Torture natives to extort confessions against the English, 112, 113 In Japan proclaim war against the English, 113 Claims to Clove and Nutmeg Islands, 113 In 1623, in complete possession of the Clove and Nutmeg Archipelago, 114 On the Gujarat coast in the power of the Moghuls, 210 Complaints of the, that they are not fitted to compete with the English and the Moghuls, 211 Positions of the, in India, 218-219 Capture three English ships in the Per- sian Gulf, 260 Settlements for outrages in the East, 261 East Indies, Dutch attitude toward, 44 English attitude toward, 44 Portuguese attitude toward, 44 Economy, English political, denounces the folly of sending precious metals abroad, 6-7 Elizabeth, letter of, to the Great Mogul of India in 1599, 19 Maintenance of royal prerogatives of monopolies by, 191 Reprisals of, on Venetian Republic, 278 Charter of, to East India Company, contains no allusion to Joint Stock system, 279, 283 England, conflict of, with Portugal, re- garding Eastern possessions, 34-35 War party in, discredited, 45 Hostile attitude of, toward Spain in 1608-1611, 45 Covert friction of, with Holland, 75 Friendship of, with Holland, broken, 76 Commercial rivalry a permanent factor in the relations of, with Holland, 76 Chaos in home government of, relating to the East India Company, 253-254 English system of separate adventures becomes extremely hazardous, 13 Ships and commanders in trouble with Asiatic land powers, 13, 14 Encounter keen competition at Dutch marts in the Spice Archipelago, 18 Forced by treaty to relinquish prey on the Portuguese in the Archi- pelago, 19 Bitter trade rivals of the Dutch, 19, 73-74 Turn their attention to India, 19 Portuguese hostility to, 25 Rise of power of the, in India, 29 Legal settlement of the, in India dates back to 1613, 30 Receive trade warrant from the Portu- guese, 45 Fleet, under Downton, strength of the, in 1614-1615, 47-48 Loss in battle on Jan. 20, 1615, 50 Capture a Portuguese pay ship in 1618, 54 Gain victory over Portuguese in the Persian Gulf in November, 1620, 55 Receive a patent for half the customs duties from Shah Abbas, 56 Diplomacy in Europe inadequate to kill rivalry in Asiatic seas, 77 Force in Asiatic waters, 79 Urged to take Banda and Amboyna, but desist on threats of the Dutch, 84