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INDEX 303 Company, tardy profits of the four First Joint Stock expeditions re- ceived by the, 87 Organization inferior to Dutch both in Europe and the East, 88-89 Demand from the Dutch " compensa- tion for past injuries " and a " fair arrangement for the future," 92 Claim right to trade in Banda and Amboyna groups, 96 Claim a fortified settlement in Java, 96 Threaten Dutch settlements in Java, 97 Defeat Dutch fleet in 1619, 97 Outmatched in numbers by the Dutch in Java, 98 Suffer cruelties at the hands of the Dutch in the East, 111-113 Claims to Clove and Nutmeg Islands, 113 Forever excluded from Chinese ports, 184 Search for sites for settlement, 192 Recognize need for direct trade with Malabar, 208 Instructions to the, for trade in Bengal, 244 Trading posts of, in Bengal, 246 Face ruin in Eastern seas, 288 " Eternal Treaty " between the Dutch and the Bantam raja, 70 European diplomacy fails to secure peace between Christian nations in Asia, 208-209 F Firando, Japan, Dutch establish a factory at, 22 Flemish Company receives ample powers giving it a national basis, 86 Floris, Peter, builds half-fortified factory at Pettapoli in 1614, 221 Forbisher, Scotch steward and interpre- ter at Dutch factory of Amboyna, 118 Fort St. George, an embrasured factory, built by Francis Day, 228 Founders' Hall, London merchants meet in, to establish an East India Company, 43 Free trade an established fact between English and Portuguese in India, 209 G Gibraltar Bay, Spanish fleet totally de- stroyed in, in 1607, 64 Goa threatened by the Dutch in 1603, 63 Viceroy of, and English president at Surat enter into negotiations in 1634, 209 " Golden Phirmaund " of 1632, received by the English, 226 Golkonda king proposes the formation of a Joint Stock with the English, 230-231 Gombroon, settlement at, given to the English, 56 Factories in, turned over to the Joint Stock, 287 Gujarat, conquest of, 193-194 Fields of, yield two harvests a year, 201 English agency at, 201 Famine in, in 1630, 206 H Hague, negotiations renewed by the English with the Dutch at the, 82 Failure of Dutch-English negotiations at the, 83 Hariharpur, Cartwright erects a station at, 239 Hawkins, one of the captains of the third expedition of the English East India Company, 9 Marriage of, to a maiden of Jahangir's palace, 20 Leaves the court of Agra, 20 Bearer of a letter from James I to Jahangir in 1607, 194 Hawley, President, 152 Hippon and Floris, port to port trade of, 219-220 Holland, the printing-house of Europe, 60 Painters of, 60 Sends out fifteen expeditions between 1595 and 1601 to the East, 60 Policy of, in the Indian Archipelago not primarily warlike, 65-66 Three principal points of the policy of, in Asia, 66-68 Resolves to become master of large territory of islands stretching from Asia to Australia, 68 Sovereignty of, acknowledged by chiefs of Amboyna, 72 Report current in, that James I had ordered seizure of certain Dutch East Indiamen, 91 Treaty of peace of, with Cromwell, 155 Colonial system of, based on slave- labour, 157-162 Slave system of, described, 157-162