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304 INDEX The first European country to send a continuous supply of able states- men to the East, 163 Houtman, Cornells (de), Indian voyage of, 60 Hugli, Shah Jahan destroys Portuguese factory at, 242-243 The imperial court for the Ganges provinces and chief seat of maritime trade of Bengal, 244 English arrive at, in 1650, 244 Head agency of the English in Bengal with control over other smaller sta- tions, 247 India, Inquisition established in, 42 Commercial prosperity of, in the reign of Jahangir, 205-206 Desire for open trade to, gains steadily, 268-270 Low price of territory in, reasons for, 287 Military convulsions in, 287 Decay of English settlements in, under the Old Company, 289 Indian offices, sale of, under Philip II, 54 Offices, sale of, under Philip III, a source of public revenue, 54 Coast, English tend to settle on the, 154 Indo-Portuguese, degenerate into colonies of half-breeds, 39 Route, western terminus of, block- aded by the Dutch in 1606, 63 Inquisition established in India by the Dominicans, 42 Italy, East India Company opens houses in, for disposal of Indian goods, 254 Jacatra, destroyed by the Dutch and re- built under the name of Batavia, 70, 110 Treaty of 1612 securing free trade to the Dutch at, 70 Coen erects a fortified settlement at, 100 Dutch capitulate at, 100 Jahangir refuses to shelter a shipwrecked crew, 194 Complains of excessive liberality of the Moghul governor of Gujarat toward the English, 202 Jambi, factories in, turned over to the Joint Stock, 287 James I, accession of, 7, 45 Puts an end to war with Spain and Portugal by treaty of 1604, 9 Founds Virginia, 11 Terms of the charter of 1609 of, 11 Charter of 1609 of, to whom granted, 11-12 Present at the launching of the Trades Increase, 12-13 Letter of, to Jahangir in 1607, 19-20 Proclamation of 1603 of, 45 Proclamation of 1605 of, 45 Treaty of peace of 1604 of, 45 Letter of, to Shah Abbas, 55 Forbids English Company to provoke hostilities with Spain, 82 Grants patent for a Scottish Company, unknown to the London Company, 89 Recalls grant for Scotch Company in 1618, 90 Demands that Dutch commissioners be sent to London, 91 Reopens negotiations with the Dutch in 1618, 91 Again opens negotiations with the Dutch in 1621, 107-108 Brave words and feeble measures of, after Amboyna, 129-134, 154-155 Offers to become a shareholder in the East India Company, 132, 174-175 Use of torture under, 146-147 Limits his own royal prerogative of monopolies, 191 Charter of, to the East India Company, contains no allusion to the Joint Stock system, 279, 283 James II of England, 156 Japan, Captain Saris proceeds to, 21 Dutch drive Portuguese trade out of ,64 English abandon settlements in, 164 Japanese tortured and executed at Am- boyna, 116-117, 128, 148 Jask and Surat, trade opened between, in 1618, 55 Java, Dutch a power in, 65 English allowed one-half of the pepper trade of, 93 Unfortunate position of the English in, under Anglo-Dutch treaty of 1619, 110-113 English position in, after the Am- boyna tragedy, 150-154 Jesuits establish the Catholic Church in India, 41 Jews flee from the Spanish Inquisition to Amsterdam, 59 Johor, terms of the compact of, with Dutch, 69 Joint Directorate, divided into six cham- bers. 61