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Ds T DEX 305 Qualifications for admission to each of the six chambers of, 62 Joint Stock Association, under title of United East India Company, founded by Dutch in 1602, 60-61 System, ample capitalization under the, 31 System, summary of commercial re- sults under the, 31-32 Jones, Colonel Philip, member of the Council of State, chief agent of Cromwell in reaching a settlement regarding the East India Company's trade, 275-276 Submits his report on the East India Company to the Council of State, 281 K Kathiawar, English agencies in, 201 Keeling, one of the captains of the third expedition of the East India Com- pany, 9 Treaty of, with the Zamorin of Calicut, 63 Resolves to carry the war against the Portuguese into Southern India, 198 Sails to Malabar in 1616, 201 Lancaster joins Dutch in an attack on the " Portugals," 2 Commander of a squadron fitted out by the East India Company, 2 Plunders a Portuguese ship, 2-3 Return of, to England, 3 Lantor, Dutch expel the English from, in 1621-22, 113 Laud, Archbishop, impeachment of, 186 Lerma, Spanish minister, 45 Leyden, tame of, 60 London merchants bring Eastern griev- ances to the king, 80-81 Parliament cashiers the Company's governor, 254 Long Parliament convened, 186 Lordf, Henry, English chaplain at Surat, valuable researches of, 206 Macassar, factories in, turned over to the Joint Stock, 287 Madras, settled by the English in 1639, 226, 228 Origin of the name of, 228 Raised to an independent presidency in 1653, 231 Staff at, reduced by orders from Eng- land, 231-232 Made headquarters of England in Eastern India, 232 Controls Bantam and Persian facto- ries, 247 Coast factories in dependencies of, turned over to the Joint Stock, 287 Madrid, treaty of, makes peace between English and Portuguese in India. 204 Mahanadi, a river in Orissa, small party of English from Masulipatam land at, 235 Malabar temples supposed by Da Gama to be Christian churches, 40 Malacca, Portuguese at, attacked by the King of Achin, 39 Captured by the Dutch from the Portuguese, 65 Country around, swears allegiance to the Dutch, 69-70 Malacca, Straits of, a Dutch waterway, 65 Masulipatam, on the Bay of Bengal, 20 Hippon sails to, 221, 223 Description of, 221-222 Growth of the trade of, 223 Chief seaport of Moslem kings of Golkonda, 223 Dutch and English struggle for, 224- 225 English abandon, in 1628, 225 Famine at, 225-226 Mercantile system, early enunciation of, 172 Metals, precious, measure of a nation's wealth, 6 Michelborne, Sir Edward, disfranchised by the East India Company in 1601, 8 Obtains royal license of trade and dis- covery from James I, 8 Attacks the Dutch at Bantam, 8 Plunders a Chinese ship, 8 Compromises the position of the East India Company in the Spice Archi- pelago, 9 Middleton, David, one of the captains of the third expedition of the East India Company, 9 Middleton, Captain Sir Henry, com- mander of the English East India Company's second expedition, 6 Return of, to England, 6 Commander of the sixth expedition of the English East India Company, 12 Attempt of, to establish trade with the Red Sea, 20 Reprisals of, arouse Moslems against the English, 20 Attempt of, to trade at Surat frus- trated by the Portuguese, 20