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Chinook Jargon as a Literary Language
tux kopa. Lejaub yaka home kopa hias piah. Jesus yaka kumtux ikt man yaka tumtum delate hias mahkook; yaka elip hias mahkook kopa konoway dolla pe konoway iktas kopa konoway illahee. Kahkwa yaka tikegh yaka tillikums, yaka leplet, klatawa konoway kah, pe help konoway tillikums mash Lejaub yaka owakut, pe klap Jesus yaka owakut.


Two Sundays ago I spoke to you concerning that picture. There you saw two women coming to the sepulchre where Jesus lay, on Sunday, just at sunrise. Jesus had risen; He was gone. So I told you in that sermon.

Today I wish to explain to you about this picture. After Jesus had risen, He continued on the earth forty days. When the forty days were ended, He desired to ascend to heaven. So he led the people out of the city to that place where you behold them. Here you see Jesus. There are those people. Jesus wished to give good instructions to the people before He returned to heaven.

Now I will explain to you the teaching of Jesus to those people. He said to them: "It is good that you should go to every country in all the world, and carry the Gospel to all nations." Thus spoke Jesus to them.

Jesus was aware that all the nations of the world had no knowledge of the Gospel. They knew nothing of the happy home in heaven. They knew nothing of the Devil's home in the great fire. Jesus knew that the soul of a man is truly precious; that it is more precious than all the money and everything else in the world. So He wished His people, His missionaries, to go everywhere, and to help all the people to leave the Devil's way, and to find the way of Jesus.


A Blessing Before Meals

By Myron Eells

O Saghalie Tyee, nesika Papa, nesika
O Saghalie Tyee,God nesikaour Papa,Father, nesikawe