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History of Oregon Literature

wawa mashie kopa mika, mika potlatch
wawasay mashiethanks kopato mika,thee, mikathou hast given
kopa nesika okoke muckamuck. Kloshe spose
kopato nesikaus okokethis muckamuckfood. KlosheGood sposeif
mika kwanesum potlatch muckamuck kopa
mikathou kwanesumalways potlatchwill give muckamuckfood kopato
nesika. Kloshe spose mika potlatch mika KlosheGood sposeif mikathou potlatch mikawill give thy
wawa kopa nesika, kahkwa muckamuck kopa
wawawords kopato nesika,us, kahkwaas muckamuckfood to the
tumtum. Help nesika tumtum chaco kloshe.
tumtum.mind. Help nesikaour tumtumminds chacobecome kloshe.good.
ThroughKopa Jesus nesiak tikegh konoway okoke.
Through Jesus nesikawe tikeghwish konowayall okoke.this.
Kloshe kahkwa.


The Ten Commandments

By Laura B. Downey Bartlett

Laura Bell Downey Bartlett, who came across the plains as a baby in 1853, is author of two books on the Chinook jargon—Chinook-English Songs, published in Portland in 1914, and Dictionary of the Intertribal Language Commonly Called Chinook, published in Tacoma in 1924.

  1. Nika Sah-ah-lie Tyee kopa mica.
    I am the Lord thy God.
    Kopit ikt mika kumtux Sah-ah-lie Tyee.
    Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.
  2. Wake cultus wau-wau, Sah-ah-lie Tye mem.
    Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
  3. Kloash nanitch kwanisum sacra kopa Sunday.
    Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
  4. Kloash kumtux mika Papa pee mika Mama.
    Honor thy Father and thy Mother.