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with a very vivid impression that what, between what was in the boots, what had soaked into the corduroys, and what stuck to the old "swallow fork," (we brought that from the states), we bore about our body something less perhaps than half a barrel of water.

We haven't time just now to say any thing more about Oregon winters, but shall resume the subject hereafter....


"The Sheriff Question"
The Oregon Weekly Times, Portland, September 26, 1857
Ethelbert C. Hibben, Editor

The Western Star of Milwaukie was moved in May, 1851, to Portland, where it became the Oregon Weekly Times. In 1857 Hibben came as editor. According to Dryer of the Oregonian, he had been imported from the east to edit the Times as a pro-slavery organ. At any rate, the Democratic state convention of 1857 recognized "the Portland Times as Democratic and its owner as a worthy man." Hibben was editor until December, 1858. He is said to have had much editorial experience. He was from Indiana and was an old friend of Joseph Lane.

Will not some friend of Dave Powell's be charitable enough to push him over on his all fours? It must be very irksome and painful thus to keep him strained up against all his natural instincts to an erect attitude and "playing man," where the silly fiest and incorrigible puppy so wholly predominates. We see that through the columns of the Standard (his kennel), he continues ki-yie-ing about our condemnation of his action in the matter of the attempted removed of McMillen and the appointment of Stansbury. After having provoked us to the use of invective against him, the brainless idiot alternately whines and unlips his incisors as if he would fain bite. His pet shyster now uses him as engine hose through which to eject upon the public what of fish-market slang Dave may endorse, but is without the intelligence to mix up. If the people who aided in placing this fellow upon the board of county commissioners are not yet satisfied that