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they could not well have made a meaner selection—we think this last effusion of Dave's will clinch all the testimony required upon that head....

In view of the magnitude of the offense, our animadversions were far from being bitter or wantonly severe; and it was only when the "cat's paw" game was put in operation against us, individually, that we considered Mr. Powell outside of the pale of courteous treatment. We descend to the arena he has chosen, with reluctance; but with no disposition to yield the real issue to the vile uses of Mr. Powell's admiration for slang....

That Powell believed himself in the legitimate discharge of his sworn duty, is a statement fit only for nursery romance. He knew he was gratifying his spleen against Mr. McMillen at the expense of the expressed will of the people of the county; ... McMillen had then filed his bond,—been qualified, and was then, as now, discharging the duties of that office.... So we have two sheriffs in the field,—the one actual and lawful and the other—nothing.... Until appeal is had to the proper judicial tribunal, nothing of "official" action of either of these so-called sheriffs can be safely regarded as legal. The one or the other is properly the sheriff—but which one? This question remains, as we have before stated, for the decision of Judge Williams. That his decision will confirm the claims of Mr. McMillen we cannot doubt; but, however that point may be determined, the fact that the majority of the board in the appointment of Stansbury wontonly, ungenerously and meanly disregarded the will of the people as expressed through the medium of the ballot box, is a matter to be approbated or condemned by the people hereafter. No maudlin abuse that Mr. Powell, per shyster amanuensis, may seek to heap upon us, will avail him to escape the dreaded ordeal; and, if his heirs hereafter inherit no legacy from him save the reputation he wins in this field, our opinion is that the less they derive from his estate the better off and happier they will be.