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literature." Brief selections will be given from her history, her poetry and her fiction.

Character of Jason Lee

From Bancroft's History of Oregon, 1886

I would not present Jason Lee as a bad man, or as a good man becoming bad, or as worse now, while tricking his eastern directors and cheating McLoughlin out of his land, than while preaching at Fort Hall or seeking the salvation of the dying Indian children. He was the self-same person throughout, and grew wiser and better if anything as the years added experience to his life. He was endeavoring to make the most of himself, to do his best for his country, whether laboring in the field of piety or patriotism; and if on abandoning the missionary work and in engaging in that of empire-building he fell into ways called devious by business men, it must be attributed to that specious line of education which leads to the appropriation of the Lord’s earth by ministers of the Lord, in so far as the power is given them. In all things he sought to do the best, and he certainly was doing better work, work more beneficial to mankind, and more praiseworthy, as colonizer, than he had formerly achieved as missionary. He had passed through his five years of silence during which time Pythagoras had been washing out his mind and clearing his brain of rubbish, and being now in a position to learn something, he was fast learning it.

November came that day,
And all the air was gray
With delicate mists, blown down
From hilltops by the south wind's balmy breath;
And all the oaks were brown
  As Egypt's kings in death.
The maple's crown of gold
Laid tarnished on the wold;