Page:History of Oregon Literature.djvu/576

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The street corner
Loafers will now
Move their winter
And hind quarters
To the Oak St. bridge
Where they will make
Sundry comments on
How fast the
River is risin'.
November 17.

As predicted in
Yesterday's colyum
The broccoli avalanche
Is descendin'
Upon our sanctum,
And today a head
Of the stuff which
Was so big that
It looked like it had
Was placed on display
And some wiseacre
Meanders up to the
Window and mutters:
"Gosh, we'll hafta
Plant smaller
Seed next year."
February 11, 1926.

On acct. of the
Heavy rains and
The inclemency
Of the weather
Which makes
Bein' out of doors
Most disagreeable
No one broke out
Of the county jail
Over the week-end.
June 27, 1927.