Page:History of Oregon Literature.djvu/577

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It's bath nite fellers
But let the
Waters of the Umpqua
Wash your shins away.
July 16, 1927.

As Joe Denn's wife has gone fer the summer he has now started washin' dishes with the garden hose—this bein' an excellent way to water the lawn and thus kill two birds with one stone.

July 27, 1927.

Joe Denn wishes to correct an item which appeared a couple days ago in this colyum of condiment. We said that Joe had been washin' the dishes with a garden hose since his wife left fer the summer. That's wrong. He hasn't been washin' 'em at all.

July 29. 1927.

If this heat
Keeps up
We're gonna
Hafta throw
Modesty to
The winds and
Quit wearin'
A necktie.
August 1, 1927.

One of the local villagers who has been complainin' to his wife that he couldn't whack the lawn because he had heart disease visited a local M.D. yesterday and after a thorough examination felt greatly relieved when the doc told him that the creakin' sound which he heard at every deep breath came from the pulley on his patent suspenders.

August 11, 1927.


"Sips for Supper"
In the Salem Capital Journal Since 1926
By Don Upjohn

Don Upjohn's column has regularly appeared six nights a week