Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/24

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xviii CONTENTS CHAPTER IV INDIAN HISTORY Importance of Indians in Our History — Indian Trade — Indians in Southeast Missouri When DeSoto Came — The Capahas — The Siouan Family and its Branches — The OsAGES — Their Homes — Their Farms — Osage Houses — Furniture and Clothing — Polygamy — Weapons — Peculiar Customs op the Osages — Painting op -the Body — Their Government — ^Wars With Other Indians — Defeated by Sacs and Foxes — Their Removal From the State — Delawares and Shawnees — Their History Outside Mis- souri — Why the Spaniards Brought Them to Missouri — Character — Their Villages — Tecumseh's Sister — Chilletecaux — Witchcraft Delusion — The Mashcoux Tribe — Treaties With the Indians — Indian Education. 33 SECTION II CHAPTER V STE. GENEVIEVE DISTRICT The Name Louisiana — The Illinois — The French and Spanish Districts With Their Limits — The Appearance and Character of the Country — Ste. Genevieve — Probable Date op First Settlement — "The Old Village of Ste. Genevieve" — Original Set- tlers — Officials and Legal Proceedings — Occupations — The "Big Field" — Indian Troubles — Life of the French Pioneers — Population — Pittman's Account — • Visit op Paul Allioy — As Peck saw the Town — Impressions of Flag — Ferdinand Rozier — John James Audubon — John Smith T.— Henry Dodge — John Rice Jones — New Bour- bon — New Tennessee — Table of Settlements — First Settlers in Iron County — The Cook and Murphy Settlements — St. Michael's — Old Mines — First Settlers in Jef- ferson County — Perry County Settlements — Long's Account. 49 CHAPTER VI CAPE GIRARDEAU DISTRICT Its Limits— Life of Lorimier — First Settlement at Cape Girardeau — Influence With the Indians — Grants of Authority and Land — Lorimier's Tomb — Name op Cape Gir- ardeau — Cousin. — Early Settlers — The Town Laid off — Some of the Early Build- ings — First Incorporation, 1808 — Early Settlers Within the District — The Ramsays - — The Giboneys — Other Early Families — Settlements in Various Parts of the District. 67 CHAPTER VII DISTRICT OF NEW MADRID Its Boundaries — "L'Anse a la Graise" — The LeSieurs — Situation of New Madrid- Colonel George Morgan — Grant to Morgan — His Expectation of Profit — His De- scription op the Site — The Survey of the Town — Opposition op Wilkinson and Miro — New Madrid Falls into Hands of Miro — Letter of La Forge — The Commandants