Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/25

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CONTENTS xix OP THE Post — Emigrants Who Came With Morgan — The LeSieur Family — The La Forges — Joseph Michel — Robert McCor — Richard Jones Waters — Tardiveau — Other Settlers — Robert Goah Watson — Military Companies — Other Settlements in New Madrid County — Little Prairie — Settlements in Scott County — Town Near Sikeston — Benton — Joseph Hunter — Tywappity Bottoms — Mississippi County Settlements — Spanish Land Grants — The King's Highway. 81 CHAPTER VIII GOVERNMENT UNDER FRANCE AND SPAIN Louisiana Under La Salle — The Province op Louisiana — Capitals and Governors — Ces- sion to Spain — Providence op Upper Louisiana -^ Lieutenant Governors op Upper Louisiana — Districts and Commandants — Syndics — Authority op Oppicials — French Law Retained — Character op Government — The Cabildo at New Orleans — Organiza- tion op ]Iilitia — "L' Annee du Coup" Attack on St. Louis — Treachery op Governor Leyba — Action op the Ste. Genevieve Company — Expedition to New Madrid — Punish- ment op Indians — Orders Concerning Taverns and Sale op Liquor to Indians. Ill CHAPTER IX SOCIAL LIFE Population in 1804 — Settlements — Occupations — Differences Between French and America Settlements — Houses op the French — Stockades — Food and Cooking — Dif- ferences in the French Produced by Residence in This Country— Social Life — Dress — Amusements — La Guignolee — Contented Character of the French — Trade — Amer- ican Settlers — Characteristic Life — Houses — Clothing — Food — Law-Abiding Char- acters — German Settlers — Absence of Spanispi Settlers — Merchants — Prices — Prod- ucts — Travel — Roads — River Travel — Kdkl-Boats — Religious Conditions — First Ser- vices — Restrictive Laws of Spain — Records of the Catholic Church in Ste. Gene- vieve — Father Meurin — Father Gibault — James Maxv^ll — First Church Buildings — Support of Priests — Bishop Dubourg — De Andreis — Founding of St. Mary's Sem- inary — Danger op Misunderstanding the Character op the People. 117 CHAPTER X TRANSFER TO THE UNITED STATES Feeling of the French Settlers — Settlements Founded Under the Rule of France — Emigration from the Western States — Why Spain Fostered the Movement of Ameri- cans Across the River — Question Over the Navigation op the Mississippi — Restric- tions on Commerce — Treaty of Ildefonso — Negotiations for Purchase op New Or- leans — Offer op all Louisiana — Motives op Napoleon in Selling Louisiana — Cere- monies Attending the Actual Transfer — Captain Amos Stoddard and His Authority — Significance of the Transfer. 139