Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/26

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XX CONTENTS SECTION III CHAPTER XI AMERICAN TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT Government of the Louisiana Territory — The Territory of Orleans — The District of Louisiana — First Governor — Courts of Common Pleas — Officers at the Various Posts — Causes of Dissatisfaction With the Gon'ernment of the United States — Me- morial OF Grievances — The Territory of Louisiana — Confirmation of Land Grants — Courts — Wilkinson as Governor — Lewis — Clark — The Territory of Missouri — Pow- ers of the Governor — Meetings of the Territorial Legislature — Various Laws — Rich- ard S. Thomas — John Scott — Johnson Ranney — General Watkins — Greer W. Davis — Alexander Buckner — Other Prominent ]Men — The Byrd Family — Circuit Courts — Officers in Ste. Genevieve — Cape Girardeau District and County — New Madrid Dis- trict and County — Creation of New Counties — Lawrence — Wayne — Madison ■ — Jefferson — Washington — Perry — ^Military History. 147 CHAPTER XII PERIOD FROJI 180-4 TO 1821 Population — Character of Immigrants — Settlements in Various Parts op the Section — Early Settlers — • Industries — Fabminc — Mining — Merchandising — Prevailing High Prices — Manufacturing — Hunting — Transportation — Steamboats — Social Life — Lawlessness — Gambling — Dueling — Some Famous Duels — Hospitality — POSTOFFICES AND RaTES OF POSTAGE NEWSPAPERS SCHOOLS — LIBRARIES — DrESS. 175 CHAPTER XIII PROTESTANT IMMIGRATION Visits of Protestant Ministers — John Clark — Josiah Dodge — Thomas Johnson — An- drew Wilson — Religious Condition of the Settlers — Motives Which Brought Them to Louisiana — The Work of the Baptists — David Greene — Bethel Church Near Jackson — Its Early IMembers — The First IMeeting House — Relics of old Bethel Church — Memorial Services in 1906 — Growth op the Church — Other Churches Or- ganized BY Members of Bethel — Early Ministers of the Church — Wilson Thompson — Thomas Stephens — Thomas P. Greene — The First ^Missionary Collection — The For- mation op an Association op Churches in Missouri — John M. Peck — The Work of the Methodist Church — First Preachers — John Travis — Organization of McKendree — Early Members — First Meeting House — Jesse Walker — The First Circuits — First Sermon in Cape Girardeau — Campmeeting at McKendree in 1810 — Harbison — New Circuits Formed — Organization of the Missouri Conference — Rucker Tanner — The First Conference Held in Missouri — The Work of the Presbyterians — Hempstead's Letter — A Church Organized in Washington County, 1816 — Organization of the Presbytery of Missouri — Early Ministers — Timothy Flint — The Columbian Bible Society — Flint's Writings — Disciples of Christ — William McMurtry — First Organ- ization IN Missouri, 1822 — Difficulties Under Which Early Ministers Labored — Progress Made — Peck's Description — Debt Owed to Pioneer Ministers. 196