Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/34

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xxviu INDEX ■ Austin, .lames, lliO. 3UL', 40^ Austin, .Moses, (54, 1.59, 1(59, 183, 269, 402 Austin, Stephen F., 154, 155 Aiix Vases, xii Averill, Harvey E., 538 Azar (Breton), Francois, 182 Azoic- Bocks, x Bagby, Robert J., 756 Bage, Samuel K., 985 Bailey, .J. A., 113(5 Bailey, Ealph E., 1-J4U Baini, Ely D., 9S5 Hairil, Kraiieis M., lUTli Baird, James M., 893 Haird, Martin V., 473, 1067 Baker. E., 678 Maker, Elisha, 62 Baker. Henry, 178 Baker, .James, 307 Baker, iloses, 290 Baker, J'eter, 178 tiakcr, Kebecca, 63 Baker, W. L., 957 Baldwin, Hartwell, 291 Baldwin, Joseph, 421 Baldwin, J. W., 403 Baldwin, Paul, 560 Baldwin, T. E., 285 Baldwin, Thomas E., 559 Ball, J. Morgan, 1192 Ballard, James M., 929 Ballew, James, 161 Ballon, (Mrs.) Agnes, 197 Bancroft, (_'. B.. 307 Bancroft, Thonujs S., 402 Baptists, 198. 207, 463 "Bajitist Headlight," 530 "Bajitist Journal," 534 Barber, Moses B., 703 Barham, William H.. 1068 Barkley, Eichard, 402 Barley, Absolom. 295 Barnard, .Tames Underwood, 426 Barnard, W. P., 287 Barnes. C. M., 1035 Barnes, Goah S.. 1046 Barnes, John X., 1033 Barnes, William A., 1270 Barnett, Silas Y., 1108 Barnhart, Adam, 307 Barren ('hurch, 201 "Barrens, The," 6li. 177 Barrett, A. M., 742 Barrett, William L., •■)(i6 Barrow, Aimer, 674 Barsaloux, .lean Ba|)tistc, 107 Barsaloux, John B.. 11.") Barsaloux, .lohn Bajiti^le. 66 Barth, Phillip II., 1017 Bartlett, G. T., 403, 531 Bartlett, Orson, 295, 296, 103 Bartlett, Thomas. 29] Barton. David, 63, 169, 238, 299 Bateaus (pirogues), 131 Bates, Elijali, 169 Bates, Moses. 402 Battery F, Second Illinois Light Artillerv, 347 Battle' of Belmont, 332 Bannddatt, C. F., 894 Baxter, Francois, 282 Bayou Portage, 230, St. John, 6 Beattie, George .I.. 262 Beauvais, Jean, 52 Beauvais, J. S. J., 150 Beauvais. St. Gem, 52 Beck, Arnold, 341 Beckwith, Xewman, 303 Bedford, A. Jl., 288, 295, 498 Bedford, H. H., 350 Bedford, Henry Hale, 305 Belchamber, James, 794 Bell City, 391 Bell, Huey F., 7.S9 Bell Telephone Go.. 261 Belleview, 378 Bellevue Collegiate Institute, 461 Bellevue Presbyterian (Jhurch, 488 Bellevue Settlement. 207 Bellevue Valley. 64, 178 Bellon, Tolhert E., 1(158 Belmont, 289 Belmont Branch, The, 497 Belt. Harry B.. 1029 Beverly. Nathaniel, 168 Benedict, Horace D.. 613 Bennett. Carroll P.. 676 Bennett. Joseph. 267 Bennett, L. D., 476 Benton, 290, 449 ' ' Benton Express, ' ' 542 "Benton Express Record," 542 Benton-Lucas Duels. 190 Benton Presbyterian Church, 484 "Benton Record." 542 Benton, Thomas H.. 190. 299 Bequette. Joseph. 52 Bergmann. William C., 6(i0 Bcrgmann, William F., Ii37 Bernie, 391 "Bernie Star," 544 Berry. J. A., 371, 784 Berryman, Jerome C, 461, 725 Berthaume, Marie, 73 Bertling, Daniel, 480 B?rtran(l. 379 Bessville, 372 Bethel Association of the Baptist Church, 46: Bethel Baptist Association, 475 Bethel Bajitist Church, 162 Bethel I hurch, 198 Bethel Church Monument, 200 Bethlehem Baptist Church, 476 Bettis, Elijah. 238 Bettis, Overton, 167 Bidewell, Charles F., 643 Bidewell, George, 662 Biffle, A. L.. 1193 Big (?reek Baptist Chunh, 477 "Big Field." 7, 119 Bigham, William. 282 Big River, xii Big River. 331 Big River Mills. 63 Big Swamp. 76 Bird. Abraham. 109, 179 Bird's Point, 109, 179, 379