Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/35

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INDEX Bird, Thompson. 2S8 Bishop, Pleasant, 267 Bismark, 277, 3S(i "Bismark Gazette," 541 Bismark Presbyterian Church, 491 BisplinffhntT, (ieorge H., 694 Black. John, 314 Black River, xii, .iv Black River Baptist Association, 469 Black River Baptist Church, 469 "Black River Country," 531 "Black River News," 531 Blackweli, 3.^1 Blake, Ross, 871 Blakemore, A. F., 1076 Blakemore, .7. B., 285, 507 Blaine, Albert, 733 Blair, Governor. 243 Blair, Robert, 74 Blair, Thomas, 204 Blanton, .1. Thompson, 605 Blanton Plank-Road, 265 Blanton, William H., 724 Blavlock, Richard D., 848 Blavlock, V. ir., S65 Bledsoe, John H., 966 Bledsoe, J. S., 288 Bledsoe. Bichard, 254 Bledsoe, William B., 953 Block, Hiram, 402 Block, Levi, 270 Blodgett, 3SS Bloom, Peter, 62 Bloohifield. 295, 3.35, 337, 453, 454, 462 "Bloomfield Argus," 543 Bloomtield Baptist Church, 473 Bloomfield Educational Society, 403 "Bloomfield Herald," 295, .543 Bloomfield Mission, 454 "Bloomfield Vindicator," 296, 545 Blount. .Jacob C., 293, 311 Boaz, Herbert L., 1210 Bocarie, Phyllis, 65 Bogliolo, Etienne, 97 Bogliolo. Matteo, 265 Bogy, Joseph, 154 Bogy, Leon, 344 Bogy, Lewis V., 253 Boise Brulo Bottom, 66 Bolduc, Louis, 56 Boli, E. :r., 273 Boli. .lohn, 65 Boli, William, 125 Boli, Williams, 65 Bollinger County, 79, 313, 510, 531 Bollinger. Charles F.. 770 Bollinger. Frederick, 150 Bollinger, George Frederii'k, 313 Bollinger, H. A., 1220 Bollinger, Henry E.. 827 Bollinger. Henfv F., 1005 Bollinger.'r. 128 Bollinger, Phillip, 80 Bollinger, Solomon, 167 Bollinger, Walter A., 1183 Bollinger, William, SO, 1183 Bond, George, 344 Bond, George H., 741 526 153, 154, 1.55, 177. Bone, William M,, 965 Bonne Terre, 385, 450 Bonne Terre Congregational Church, 482 ' ' Bonne Terre Register,.' ' 541 "Bonne Terre Star," 541 Booker. Charles O., 1273 Boon, Pinkney E., 1288 Booth, James, 1133 Boutin, Samuel, 671 Bowen, John S., 351 Bowers. James M.. 997 Bowman. Arthur C., 564 Bowman, B. L., 477 Boyce, William, 66 Boyden, Charles, 1179 Boyden, John R., 1179 Boyer. Barton H., 857 Boyer, Jaques, 52 Brackenridge, William T., 913 Bradbury. .John, 213 Bradley, James, 307 Bradley, .lames A., 1092 Bradley, .lohn H., 655 Bragg,' W. G., 285 Bragg, William G., 813 Bramblet, Clarence R., 794 Brand, Eli T.. 841 Brandon, .lames P.. 915 Brandt. John, 413 Branham, Adolphus, 1041 Branum, Lizzie, 306 Branum, Tecumseh, 306 Branum, Victorine, 306 Brasher, J. M., 314 Brasher, .Joseph M.. 641 Bray, .William, 715 Bray, William G., 907 Brayton, Rev.. 468 Brazeau Presbyterian Church, 488 Breckenkamp, August H.. 747 Bredensteiner. William. 917 Breid, David W., 661 Breton. Francois, 269 Brevard. A. H., 262 Brevard, A. J., 263 Brewer, Robert M.. 343 Briekev, Franklin W.. 730 Briekey, John S., 169 Bridgeman. John. 270 Bridges, A. B., 307 Bridges, Ambrose D.. 918 Bridges. J. H.. 288 Bridges, L. L.. 761 Bridges, William, 977 Bringier, L.. 213 Brissenden, Ralph. 1271 Brooks, Elmer O.. 895 Brooks, Harry T., 1026 Brooks, James A., 410 Brooks, Thomas L, 964 Brown, Allen C. 969 Brown, B. Gratz, 329 Brown, James, 317 Brown, John, 290 Brown, John L., 1077 Brown, John W., 473 Brown, Robert T., 170. 270 Brown, R. T.. 238 Brown. Tli.nnas J.. 1046