Page:History of Southeast Missouri 1912 Volume 1.djvu/36

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XXX INDEX Browne, David S., 782 Browne. Joseph, 151 Browne, Lionel, 154, IHil, 4(12 Browne, Wilson. 78 Brow-nell, Jolin W., 2()6 Brownwood, 391 Brunlce, Abraham, 40l' Bryau. (Mrs.) Eliza, i;i.3 Bryant, Bert P., 841 Bryant, P. P., 877 Brydon, Doc, 1126 Buck, Charles. 1093 Buck, James B., 1141 Buck. John L., 295, 1141 Buckner. Alexander, 137, 238, 242 Biickner, Eobert, 171 Biiehrman, Otto, 249 Buenger, E. E., 271 Buerkle, John C., 727 Buffalo Creek, xiv Buford. .John, 317 Bull, Thomas, 162, 19.S, 199 Bullett, George, 153 Bullock, James E., 1048 Bunker, 383 Buute, Theodore L., Jr., 674 Bunyard, E. J., 476 Burchitt, J. G., 863 Burdette. .Tohn, 267 Burford, D. W., 1032 Burfordville, 264, 374 Burger, iloritz, 479 Burgess, William J., 990 Burke. Edward, 291 Burlison, Ed., 839 Burnham. B. P.. 587 Burns, Robert F., 1056 Burnside, DeWitt L., 1232 Burris, Levi, 1252 Burrough, Jacob H., 422 Burrow, John W., 1195 Burrow, William A., 1088 Burton, C. E., 561 Butler County, 179, 248, 311, 511, 531 Butler County Educational Society, 403 Butler County Railroad Company, 508 Butler, Elisha C. 682 Butler, Frederick C, 402 Butler, John, 816 Butler, Mann, 193 Butler, W. A., 312 "Buzz-Saw." 546 Byrd. Abraham, 78, 162 Byrd, Amos, 78 Byrd, A. R., 410 Byrd Family, 78. 158 Byrd, .John,' 78, 161, 498 Byrd Settlement, 77 Byrd, Spencer, 153 Byrd. Stephen, 78. 150, 154, 238 Byrd's Creek, 78, 178 Byrns, Sam, 759 Byrns, Samuel, 551 Cabildo (Council), 114 Cahoon, Benjamin Benson, 551 Cain, .Jesse, 161 Cairo & Fulton Railroad, 287, 498 Caldwell, Isaac W., 991 Caldwell, Jame.s, SO, 154, 299 Caldwell, Thomas, 154 Caldwell, William C, 1109 ( 'aledouia. 64, 270 l.'aledonia Presbyterian Church, 270 Callaway, John, 63 Calvin, Lula, 1191 Calvin, Robert L., 1190 Cameron, Donald H., 635 Campbell, 375 "Campbell Citizen," 533 Campbell, Alexander, 310 Campbell, C. C, 31] Campbell, J. P.. 539 Campbell, John Jl., 1017 Camp Rowdy. 254 I'amren. James T., 1215 Canaan Cumberland Presbyterian Church, 494 Canada, 27, 28 Canada, Mark, 56 Canalou, 381 Cane Creek, 179, .'n2 Cane Creek Baptist Association, 470, 477 Caneer, W. T.. Jr., 667 Caney Creek, xiii ' ' Capaha Arrow, ' ' 431 (-'apaha Blutt's. Rock Levee Drive, <'app Girardeau (view), viii Capahas, 16, 34, 35 Cape Girardeau, 21, 34, 51, 71, 73. 74. 1.39, 140, 152, 161. 162, 164, 176, 177. 178, 186, 192. 249. 261, 318. 329, 409, 420, 453. 455. 460. .504 Cape Girardeau — A steamboat town, 256 ; incorpo- rated as a city, 257; prosperity after the war, 258; State Normal School located, 259; remark- able progress, 260 Cape Girardeau Association of Baptists. 464 "Cape Girardeau Censor." 330 Cape Girardeau Circuit, 455 Cape Girardeau County, 178, 511 "Cape Girardeau Courier," 530 "Cape Girardeau Democrat." 530 Cape Girardeau District, 49, 117, 125, 197, 207— First settlement within, 67; water mills on Cape La Croix and Hubble creeks, 72; origin of naure, 73; limits of the town, 75 Cape Girardeau German M. E. Church, 483 "Cape Girardeau Herald," 531 "Cape Girarileau Xews. " 531 "Cape Girardeau Patriot," 530 Cape Girardeau Presbyterian Church, 489. 4S4 "Cape Girardeau Progress," 531 Cape Girardeau, Pilot ICnoh & Belmont Railroad Company, 501 Cape Girardeau & Jackson Jnterurban Company. 509 Cape Girardeau & Thebes Bridge Terminal Raihvay Company, 303 Cape Girardeau & State Line Railroad Company, 501 Cape Le-Croix Creek, xii Cape La Crux Creek, 77 "Capote," 122 Capuchin, 133 Cardwell, 376 Carleton College, 420 Carleton, Eliza A.. 553 Carleton. (Miss) E. A.. 420 Carleton. George W., 282, 315 Carleton, G. W., 314